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Posts posted by Rallyman

  1. Everybody ready for darkness... ?

    No worries about the Dutch language. Even Theo and René can manage 🙂
    The road book is in tulips with hardly any Dutch words so that should not have to be a problem?
    There is a short translation of the most important issues in the Regulations.
    These have been sent by e-mail, however Radders' mail did not seem to have arrived due to an incorrect address?
    It will also be available for foreign entries at the start.

    Our "international liaisons officer" Roger will gladly be of assistance if you have any questions 😉
    The same goes for our "staff" at the start, including yours truly!

    Rutger Kwant
    Area organiser CTH Regio Oost

  2. Damn, had to miss out on the Nachtrit again...
    Life's tough, too many rallies !!

    New opportunities for all Triumpists though, Dutch, UK or otherwise:
    The 13th Chinese Rally is on March 19, 2016 !!
    New venue, new route, new etc.
    Hopefully no clash of events this time... ?
    Get your rides ready this winter, be there and enjoy FIFTY SHADES OF DARKNESS 😎

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