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Everything posted by yorkshire_spam

  1. I like SuperPro, but there was a sharp intake of breath when I saw the price of them.
  2. So.... thinking ahead I'll probably set about re-bushing the Spitfire. Over in Land Rover land (where I've been for the last 20 years) there is much debate about the ride quality difference between OE quality rubber and polyurethane bushes (and how long they last) General consensus seems to be that cheap polyurethane are, at best, no better than decent OE rubber, but that decent polyurethane are better (both handling and longevity) What about in Triumph land? I would normally go for SuperPro Polyurethane, but they seem massively more expensive than PolyBush for the Spitfire - are they worth the premium? Personally I wouldn't touch flo-flex with a barge pole - am I being unreasonable? Cheers, Sam
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