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Everything posted by yorkshire_spam

  1. IIRC Range Rover V8 (1986 MY) rear prop is around 890mm (35") - no idea if you adapt one or anything thought. (I think MK1 Discos are around the same length)
  2. I'd echo what Nick said - I had a brand new condensor fail about 3 weeks after fitting....
  3. Sorry Wim, no side valances on my car so I don't know the answer.
  4. Sorry no pic to hand Wim. If you want to pick one up from Moss at Shipley (Bradford) make sure you contact them and check that they have one in stock at that branch.
  5. My narrow rad rad cap was rubbing on the bonnet due to some muppet fitting the brackets the wrong way round.
  6. Ey up Wim. I'm running a Canleys wide rad (RKC2117), fitted it with no issues, been using it since July 2013.
  7. Ancillaries mostly swapped from one engine to the other... about ready to swap the engines over (might get chance tonight!)
  8. Ancillaries mostly swapped from one engine to the other... about ready to swap the engines over (might get chance tonight!)
  9. Should be 2 letters at the start FM is a 1500 I think
  10. Think we'll stick to the "easy" route for our first time!
  11. Chances are that the electric pump was added later without a fused supply.
  12. This weekend saw a successful trip to Belgium (and France) to practice driving the Spitfire on the "wrong" side of the road. Mechanical conclusions: OSF alloy catching top wishbone on full lock. Grrrr. Bottom end rumble on the engine now far too loud and frequent to ignore. Same goes for nasty clonky diff noise on take-up and whine on over-run.
  13. VR beat me to it! Fitting the rear studs can be a bit of work, to do it "right" you need a hub puller. (although IIRC some people drill the back-plate and then put a grommet in) fronts are easy enough, hubs off, split the hub and the disk, knock the old studs out, put the new ones in, re-assemble.
  14. Gearbox.  Has its own filters though.
  15. You can get SECURON seat belts with an adjuster on to align the inertia - it allows you to mount at virtually any angle but still have fully functioning inertial reels. (I used them to put better/extra belts in my old Land Rover, I used this http://www.securon.co.uk/seatbelts_layouts.htm as a reference when choosing my belts)
  16. I used Land Rover "one shot" grease in mine, formulated to replace the EP90 in Landy swivel housings. It seemed to be fine, but once the MOT guy reported "a bit of lift in the front trunnions" I just replaced with Canley's kit.
  17. Only 3 options as far as I can see.... 1. Hub sitting too far out-board relative to upright. Which would suggest something (eg. felt seal as suggested above) behind the hub preventing it going fully home on the stub-axle. 2. Caliper too far inboard - something between the caliper and the up-right that shouldn't be there? (Splash/dist shields?) 3. Relative position of hub and caliper wrong... upright not the right shape/size. I wouldn't think that was a valid option. Regards, Sam
  18. I found a metric bolt (freelander? Maybe off a defender) that had a shank about the right length, I cut the threaded part off and used that - the head was just the right size to stop the bolt dropping through, but not too big to make it look "odd". You should be able to replace the pin with the tunnel out, no need for any further dis-assembly. You might even be able to get to it down the back/OS of the engine.
  19. I made this: From these: http://www.autosparks.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=1283 Rewiring to this:
  20. Has it previously run on these carbs? I'm only asking because I've seen a "Spitfire" HS4 with the wrong float bowl fitted.... leaving the fuel at the wrong height in the jet (almost flowing out the top in fact!)
  21. Damn, wish we could make it but that's the day we fly out on holiday. :-/
  22. Wimpus, try and get hold of a Wix adapter "Wix 24037 Filter Adapter Stud" and just use a more readily available quality part.
  23. Looking at fitting the trunionless uprights last night... not happy with the top ball joints, so ordered those as well. Might as well do them at the same time!
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