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Everything posted by yorkshire_spam

  1. Yesterday/today, stripped the dash out of the Dolomite to fix the heater, also removed bonnet, rad, headlights and bumper in preparation for tackling the rust on the wings/front panels.
  2. I spotted the car in question is now on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203550909088 (Not connected with the car/seller or anything)
  3. Alternative camera angle....
  4. yorkshire_spa makes me sound like Harrogate.
  5. Thanks.... it would have driven my web OCD mad!
  6. As a minor detail, can you amend the text on the login screen to reflect this? I noticed this morning that it says login with your display name OR email.
  7. Cool! I did 5.5yrs lecturing in Software Development (Specialising in computer graphics and games technology) at Huddersfield Uni, I looked at going into teaching Maths/Science towards the end of that, I did 1 lesson in front of 14 year olds teaching maths in it scared the sh1t out of me. Maybe teaching in schools isn't for me! 😉 Big respect to those who do/did though!
  8. Thanks @Clive, we don't have a stereo or anything in the Spitfire, it would have to be stupidly loud to hear above that silly exhaust. I'm after something for the Dolomite though so on long trips we can listen to something.
  9. Thanks Ben, I'm fairly well up on generic electronics and home audio. Just trying to get VFM in the car audio and not end up with something that sounds too "tinny"
  10. Can anyone recommend a bluetooth audio amp suitable for use in a car? The Dolomite currently has a "retro look" bluetooth unit, but it looks like cheap plastic (because it is) and the sound quality matches the look. So I'm on the hunt for something I can hide away behind the dash with reasonable wattage and audio quality. Hunting around online is getting me nowhere as the options seem to be... cheap or cheapish and risk the audio quality being no better than what I have right now spend a fortune on something from a premium brand which is far more than I'd ever need. buy a decent-ish branded amp and add a separate bluetooth receiver (not a big fan but might end up having to go this way!) I'm really looking for something between the 2 extremes
  11. Yeah 100%, it really was a great event. We had a great time!
  12. I have 175/70 R13 on 5.5J with 25mm offset (JBW MiniLite) on my Spitfire 1500, despite the front being lowered and stiffer I have never had issues with them scrubbing the arches even on lock. It looks CLOSE in places, but never actually makes contact.
  13. An excellent event! Huge thanks once again to the organisers @reychris, @Mik, @Velocita Rosso and anyone else involved!
  14. Slight detour in Amble to get gellato from Spirallis... Wonder if we can re-find the route.
  15. Just great to see the line of Triumphs assembled ready for the start this morning
  16. Thanks @Ben Hutchings! A bit of a damp run up through Skipton and beyond last night, but arrived safely in Lancaster as planned. Breakfast... Fuel... Then away!
  17. Very interesting, thanks Nick, I guess if I don't see the issue on the Border Raiders then there is a fair probability it was the recon dizzy.
  18. No rubber damper on the 1500 - the pulley is keyed directly to the crank. But keep the ideas coming, cos I'm completely stuck!
  19. Thanks Danny, I'll do some voltage checks. The timing seems stable at tick over (if I get it set up for a clean not lumpy tick over) but just seems to move over time.
  20. Interesting! A friend of mine is a "Naval Architect" and has to have a navy rank for when he's aboard ship. At one time he was on the bridge of a destroyer and asked one of the senior officers "Am I the ranking officer on the bridge?" to which he got the response "Sir, we'll agree that technically that is the case, just so long as you agree not to give any orders"
  21. I'm a bit stumped and although the fault seems to have gone I'm nervous about it returning as I haven't found a root-cause. A month or so ago I got the Spitfire back on the road and started running in the new engine. But over time I found the ignition was too far advanced giving me pinging even under moderate load. I re-timed everything on the assumption that either I'd done the timing wrong in the first place OR that things were just "bedding in". After a week or so of running I checked it again and this time it's way to far retarded, so I re-timed again. Then the other night it was so far out that the mis-fire stopped me in my tracks, "twiddling" with the dizzy position got it running well enough to get me home. I've gone back to my old dizzy now just to be on the safe side. I pulled the water pump and took the timing cover off to check that the vernier gear on the cam hadn't moved - still where it should be and no signs of movement (all the bolts re-tightened and thread lock applied) I've inspected the recon dizzy I removed and I can't find anything wrong with it, because of the engine spec there's no vac advance and the base-plate is firmly locked in place. The bob-weights seem to move freely as expected. The recon company have (very kindly!) agreed to re-inspect the dizzy if I send it back to them - so at some point I'll do that. Dizzy cap is locking firmly in place with no slop/movement when clamped down. I'm out of ideas if the cam timing isn't moving and everything in the dizzy seems to be behaving I can't see how my timing is all over the place. Oh and I've see the same "jumps" and "moves" in the timing on both points AND electronic points replacements.
  22. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary... "Software Development Manager" aka "Cat Herding" I feel pretty lucky, I enjoy about 80%+ of my work (which is a much better percentage than a lot of jobs) and my current role is 100% home based as I manage teams in different countries.
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