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Everything posted by yorkshire_spam

  1. I appreciate it's a huge extra effort (and additional organisers to press-gang into club service), but it'd be great to see additional events on the club calendar and spread the demand a bit from the ever (over) popular RBRR and 10CR.
  2. I know the feeling... with the Dolomite in bits all over the garage and it not really being "Spitfire weather" recently not much Triumphy fun to be had.
  3. I think a "I can't believe it's not the 10CR" on RBRR years would be a great idea. As per other comments - agreeing the format OTOH... that's a whole other issue. I really enjoyed the jaunt east on the 2015 run, but I'm not up for drives through the night (crew member health issues would preclude that) so the current 10CR format suits us in that regard. I think @Howard's idea of a Scandi-run would be really really cool, but if you try and loop back through Estonia/Latvia etc. avoid Kaliningrad! that just complicates things.
  4. Fair enough! Happy to accept the intention of the linked thread as "Cars to show" - if I ever complete the bodywork on the Dolomite I might even add her to the thread! 🙂
  5. I think I might have a spare - I'll have a look!
  6. If we ever get a (even nearly) new car it'll be an EV, plug in not hybrid. I'd love a classic converted to an EV, but if I had 20K to 60K to indulge my hobby it wouldn't be on a conversion.
  7. I sliced up the entrant list and it looks like this so far:
  8. I didn't want to hijack this thread But wanted to comment.... I appreciate people go to shows expecting to see concourse type cars - but how about having a representative "in use real CT car" at some of the shows? I know at least 1 Spitfire owner in the north who doesn't get involved in classic car events because his car isn't (by his description) "smart enough" - as a club do we need to emphasize that participation in our events doesn't require a show quality car? That we are more of a get it driven than a get it polished ethos?
  9. Right, I'm just going to sit here now hitting refresh 😉
  10. I ran my old land rover on remolds for years, it was all I could afford and it wasn't exactly a high performance vehicle. There's been times in the past that I wouldn't have been able to get to work without buying a part worn because a tyre went in a month where money was tight. But given the choice... I'd never buy either again.
  11. My wife really enjoys the event - so it's not just a "blokey" thing.
  12. Would that be the "Border Raiders" ? If so it's a brilliant event and a great blend of good driving and relaxed socialising. Welcome to the club!
  13. I did question them about it, sad to say at the time they were not interested.
  14. Sorry to report... the FloFlex bushes I bought (for a Land Rover) lasted less than a year. That was over 10 years ago though, so maybe they've improved since. These days I just play it safe with SuperPro/SuperFlex
  15. I've found the performance of polyurethane bushes excellent in most applications. In my experience cheap bushes off ebay lasted less than a year though. Since then I've used SuperPro and SuperFlex - both superb in terms of performance and durability. If I could get OE quality rubber bushes I'd consider using them, but since I can't I stick to (expensive) quality polyurethane. I have no direct experience of "Polybush" the brand though.
  16. I lost mine years ago, but have a home made make-do version now. A rare-earth magnet sealed into the end of a plastic tube. It'll do for now.
  17. I once used one of those to retrieve a bolt that dropped down the timing case on a Rover V8.... that saved a HUGE amount of work and time!
  18. Up until recently I think I've used the mig more for things like this than I have for fabrication/bodywork. It can dig you out of a whole range of sticky situations.
  19. Tonight my favourite tool is my mig welder. M8 bolt snapped in the side of the gearbox casing well below the specified torque... just a little stump sticking proud of the casing. Apply scrap bolt and a squirt of mig... hey presto! It's out!
  20. I think I have a spare under my bench - whereabouts in the world are you?
  21. Engine and 'box out of the Dolomite - while I wait for repair panels for the body work I'll strip the gearbox and fit new gaskets/seals to see if I can stop it pee-ing fluid everywhere. I'll probably address a few small jobs on the engine while it's out.
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