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Everything posted by yorkshire_spam

  1. I think there are 4 logical reasons to buy a car as a restoration project (as an enthusiast, not a business): 1) Rarity - if you can't get the car you want in a restored state 2) Enjoyment - if the end result isn't the point, but you enjoy the process 3) Cash on Hand - buying a project and paying for restoration will cost MORE, but if you can't afford to pay for it all up front it's like a savings scheme for the car you want 4) Obsession - not sure this counts as a logical reason, but if you really really want a particular car (childhood memories or something?) but it's not a "usual" classic. Like some of the concourse examples you see at Festival of the Unexceptional. As a business it makes sense to restore a car if you can use it to soak up dead time for the mechanic/bodyworkers/painters that you can't get a paying customer to pay for. Provided the finished car is valuable enough.
  2. I know of at least 1 de-bumpered 2000 that's done the 10CR before... whether it "should" have bumpers or not is a different matter (maybe for defense against Czech wildlife?)
  3. Finally bit the bullet and changed the oil seal on the Dolomite diff - the leakage has reached the stage where it can't be ignored. It took me longer to get the sodding split pin out than to do the rest of the job! Either it's a really tight fit by design or somebody in the past has fitted a pin that's slightly too big!
  4. I think my fronts on the Spitfire are due a change. Probably worth checking the Dolomite as well.
  5. Wow... I bet you are glad you tackled those before putting too many miles on the clock! Looks like bodger and badger have been at it before?!
  6. Border Raiders and a few runs out in the Spitfire, probably 1500 ish? Long run up to JOG and back in the Dolomite, maybe 2K? I'll check the odometers later.
  7. It's great isn't it? No points related ignition issues on the Spitfire since 2013 after I changed! :-)
  8. If it bothers you not knowing the "official" colours and you are prepared to risk some money... a heritage certificate might record the actual colour names rather than simply generic ones (For example my Spitfire is recorded as "Flamenco" for the body colour). If the certificate has a proper Triumph colour name rather than a generic name then you can use the table in the front of a parts manual to get the code(s). If that works, you could always get a replacement plate or have yours stamped with the right codes. Cheers, Sam
  9. I hope that it's a compulsory part of the fees for events, so people who think this sort of thing is "PC gone mad" are forced to contribute towards solutions to the world's problems instead of ignoring/denying them. In fact go one step further and make it part of the membership fees AS WELL. This sort of backwards thinking is what puts me off having involvement with clubs like this.
  10. Welcome to the club/forum. Plenty of info on future events in the club magazine and a few non-competitive events around the year of different types (from local area runs out, to a few days driving around the Scottish borders, to a through the night coast-to-coast!) Cheers, Sam
  11. I fitted mine in 2013 I think, it's done RBRR/2x10cr plus other events, never had an issue, unlike the last brand new points+condensor I fitted that lasted about a month.
  12. Yeah, I remember having plenty of time to ponder entry to RBRR/10CR... not any more. Seems to be a bit of a polarisation though - the main events more popular than ever, but other smaller events (autotests, 12 car, etc.) being cancelled due to a lack of entries.
  13. Hi @Colin Cutts, you'll get a lot of info in the club magazine (you can see some back-issue in the files section on here: linky ), but also in the events section on this website. Yes, events are typically first come first served but only the "premier" events tend to sell out instantly (RBRR/10CR) Welcome to the club and the forum! Cheers, Sam
  14. Merry Christmas! / Crăciun fericit! / Vrolijk Kerstfeest! / Frohe Weihnachten! / Joyeux Noël! / Buon Natale! (Depending on your cultural/language preference)
  15. I'm afraid all this BS leaves me wondering if they are incompetent or they are actually penalising him for something else? Maybe for his activism around BLM? Or maybe his concerns about human rights in the middle east? Or maybe it's as simple as the colour of his skin? Massi's decision stinks to high heaven - the point at which the safety car was deployed ruled out Hamilton pitting due to his position on track at the time (but that's not going to have been intentional). If he'd then followed the rules one way or another... All lapped car unlap themselves - race finishes under safety car. NO lapped cars unlap themselves - Max has to pass 4 cars to win - he has a chance, but likely a Hamilton win. Massi makes up a new rule to allow only the cars between Max and Lewis passed, but not the ones between Max and Sainz or anywhere else..... guaranteed Max win. If something like that happened and the rules were clear and followed - I'd have been disappointed with the result, but accept that the racing gods had spoken/taken a hand - it happens. But the "made for TV" "guaranteed Max win" bollocks that they contrived - it's not a sport, it's entertainment, you might as well watch American wrestling.
  16. I'm with @Rutty on this one, I never use the clutch when switching the OD in/out, that's one of the joys of OD... I just wish I had OD in 2nd for climbing mountain passes... a 2.5 gear would really be handy between the hairpins. (I've contemplated sourcing a P-Type and modifying the interlock to allow OD 2nd... but too many projects!)
  17. Cor, small offending object = huge consequences!
  18. I don't think they had any choice, admitting that they were wrong would have opened a can of worms with no solution (but would have been the moral/right thing to do). FIA continue to demonstrate the sort of comfort with corruption they showed when they made a private deal with Ferrari to hush up their engine cheating a couple of seasons ago. In my eyes, no credibility or authority any more.
  19. Utter shambles, the last 3 or 4 races have suffered from very poor interpretations of the rules by the stewards and the "FIA officials". With (IMHO) ridiculous decisions favouring Hamilton and Verstappen at different times, but worse leaving nobody clear on how the rules will be applied. After the accident today they might as well have stopped the race and awarded Verstappen the win. Let the lapped cars unlap OR don't.... you can't do both/neither and then immediately restart. As you say, no way out for them. Considering not watching next season and cancelling our subscription.
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