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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. Thinking of trying to prepare my Vitesse if I can as well, as it has RBRR history in the fact that it won the Stafford Cup in 2006 when KD and Asbo did RBRR in her. Thing is then it had Karl's old GT6 race engine in, not it's got a wheezing 2l. I can get the car done, it's just if any of my team are up to doing RBRR as a two man crew, in a very noisy car, with bad seats and 4 points...
  2. A sensible approach Fatbloke - It can be a huge pain in the arse to get a box off depending on what facilities people have, so may as well change it, BUT, only if fitting good quality parts of course.
  3. Chesman Engineering in Coventry are a good bet - I've used them for all my machine shop work.
  4. If you do do it yourself, leave the backplate on from the drum brake. Then, after you've 'popped' the taper, but the shaft is stuck in the bearing housing, you've got something to hang onto when you need to wallop the end of the driveshaft with a copper hammer! As has been said, put the nut back on to protect the threads.
  5. Particularly a multimeter with a 'buzz' function to check continuity. I bought one when at Uni and it's doing well, only cost £8, but it's got all the functionality you'd want. Got it from this place - http://uk.farnell.com/
  6. Time to get my Tig welder out I think!
  7. A lot of the modern manuals have that too. Run out Freelander's had an inhibitor switch on the clutch pedal, and I imagine that others have too. The annoying thing is when you have a manual, with inhibitor switch and stop-start. Then you have to ride the clutch and the brake in order to start the car. When you want to make a swift get away from a set of lights or on an island, it can cause... issues.
  8. A lot of the modern manuals have that too. Run out Freelander's had an inhibitor switch on the clutch pedal, and I imagine that others have too. The annoying thing is when you have a manual, with inhibitor switch and stop-start. Then you have to ride the clutch and the brake in order to start the car. When you want to make a swift get away from a set of lights or on an island, it can cause... issues.
  9. I didn't suggest it went into a personal account! It could be paid directly into the CT account, and if that had E-banking then periodically someone could check from the club. Surely less effort than sorting huge piles of cheques etc? Anyway, it makes no real difference to me about entering an event. If the payment method upsets anyone that much they clearly can't be serious about it.
  10. That was kind of my point, and certainly not intended to be a moan or complaint Tim, I was was just thinking if there was a Club controlled bank account then people could pay directly into it, thus alleviating the need for chasing cheques, or people saying they got lost in the post etc. I also quite like using my cheque book, it doesn't bother me that much to have to use it.
  11. It does depend on the car, but you shouldn't be able to move the crank back and forward in the block by any discernable amount really, slight movement is likely, but not much. The issue is actually sometimes getting a hold of the crank pulley! I never use the clutch when starting - I see no point in it.
  12. It does depend on the car, but you shouldn't be able to move the crank back and forward in the block by any discernable amount really, slight movement is likely, but not much. The issue is actually sometimes getting a hold of the crank pulley! I never use the clutch when starting - I see no point in it.
  13. Could you not just set up an account in the name of CT with online banking so people could transfer the money in directly and then some one from the club could check to see the moneys in etc? I know it wouldn't be a fully automatic payment system, and it would be a lot of people potentially sending money in a short space of time, but it removes the risk of 'rubber cheques' too. When I was doing the Warwickshire Scatter I accepted payments into my personal account like this as some people now just don't even have a cheque book!
  14. Soft cream? Sounds like some kind of innuendo there Ferny! Richard, I'm not sure why that posted twice? Initially entered in the mk1, but secondary choice is with Karl Dandridge in a TR8.... if that fails too then it'll be the Vitesse.
  15. Entry in for Team Fallowell; Initial Entry; Myself, Joe Fallowell and my other half, Alex Joslin in the Mk1 Possibility to change entry to; Myself and Karl Dandridge in a TR8.
  16. On my one and only RBRR in 2012, one of my crew members wasn't feeling too well from the outset, and the inability to sleep in a car didn't help them. Just as they were drifting off on the Friday night, they were awoken with a start, as whilst snoozing in the back, we rounded a traffic island somewhere on the A68. At this point the rear door flew open that they were resting against! Somehow, even with the door flung wide open, we didn't loose the crew member, or any kit either! We made sure the door was firmly shut from this point onwards! Further on the event, driving up the coast of Scotland, and crossing the Dornoch Firth with the sunrise was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. Also, getting out of the car at John O'Groats and getting blown about by the wind was really quite a wake up call!
  17. Was hoping my club mag would have been delivered at the weekend, but it wasn't, so my entry will be a week late. Will be very annoyed if I miss out on a space because of that! Didn't think to check on the forum for a download form...
  18. But if you have good tyres then you're much more likely to know what the car is doing and be able to control it. You could have the best driver in the world, but tyres made from blancmange and covered in vaseline are still crap tyres...
  19. Well done all those that competed in this. My Mk1 is running a bit happier now thanks to my birthday present from KD of a carb tune and timing work. So, hopefully we'll be out on more events in the new year.
  20. Yeah, we put an XJR back end into my mates Golf... it took four of us to lift it out and carry it 3m away, we collapsed on the floor as soon as we were through his front door.
  21. The X-Flow does sit about a foot behind the front axle line and the gearbox is well between the driver and passengers legs, so I'm not sure, but then I've never had the car on the corner scales...
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