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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. It could be interesting to rig up microphones in the cars of some of the more... colourful members of the club. I'm sure some amusing clips would be recorded. We'd have had a good one on the 2012 run. Joe: Do we stay on this road to the left of Perth or to the right? Dad: We stay on this road to the right of Perth. Joe: Are you sure, everyone is passing on the left of the town. Dad: Yes, we go right. Joe: Okay (**Out of overdrive, throttle on**) ... Dad: What're you doing? I said go left! Joe: *Beep-Beep-Beep-Beeping-Beep-Beeped up, we've gone-Beeping-wrong-again* I'm sure you had to be there to find it funny, but we've all been there in similar circumstances.
  2. Interesting question - some people swear by SU and some by Strongbows. I think a lot of this stuff comes down to personal preference, knowledge and familiarity. I suggest in this situation see if you can get a set of the low bodies from an 1850, even if it's just borrowing them from someone that's doing a restoration so you can see if they fit before splashing the cash. I'd have said that a standard carb is going to perform more robustly than a modified one - as soon as you modify something unreliability sets in unless you thoroughly engineer it.
  3. Sorry Keith, wasn't trying to make you (or anyone else) feel old! Surely it's good to know that the event is still happening etc, and that people are still wanting to get involved in the event, the cars and the club? I agree, an audio recording would be nice, not sure how it'd be done, but it would be a nice change from the videos etc.
  4. What's the purpose of fitting a wider radiator? Get more air through it and cool it more? I have to say, when i was using my 13/60 as my daily I never had an issue with it overheating, if anything the standard radiator meant it was over-cooled, especially anything other than summer. That was just standard kit too, but with Spitfire fan instead of the Herald alloy thing.
  5. We've all suffered that now and again after a vindaloo and a few beers.
  6. They may do, but the GT6 one is tall and deep, and I'm not sure the full width one would have the same cooling ability.
  7. Even so with the equipment being good, with the changes of format I'd have expected a loss in quality maybe? Still nice to listen to, and quite nice for me too, listening to interviews that took place whilst I was being born, and some near-30 years later, I am now participating in the exact same event!! I love the discussion about a 1962 Herald being in the condition it is 'for it's age', and now one of my Triumphs is an unrestored 1962 Vitesse that is also in a 'well aged condition'.
  8. I note (as well as the sound being surprisingly good quality for an old recording) that at around the 6 min mark it is definitely referred to as a 'race' and later 'track' rather than road. How times change eh? 😉
  9. Jonny-Jimbo

    mk2 Carb Pi

    If you need it I have a Mk2 PI front grille in pretty good nick - the black type. Has the PI badge on too.
  10. Won't that work on a 'centre-line' principle, so, although not ideal maybe, it'd mean you could curve them like some of the old BMW intake manifolds etc.
  11. Oh wow, more differences than I expected then. Guess I'll just have to see exactly what I have when I collect the bonnets I bought a few weeks back. Will report back then.
  12. Had a 50 mile drive in the Mk1 today - rear tyres keeps dropping pressure, so need to sort that. Also the hand brake is crap. The old girl also understeers badly on traffic islands, but generally I think she's good to go as is.
  13. I'll probably model something up in CAD, then get a rapid prototype mould made so I can cast a back plate and then get it machined... Or possibly do as you say and make it out of 3mm still plate welded up - can do it super-sexy too with my tig welder haha.
  14. I'm sure I've seen somewhere not to pack the inside of the hubs as the hub needs the air inside or it can overheat... probably complete codswallop.
  15. Yeah, I know it's not a case of just sticking the Scooby diff in, but I'm thinking for the Herald-ish thing I'm building up it's the way I'm likely to go as a Subaru diff with an LSD is much cheaper than a rebuilt Triumph diff with an LSD in.
  16. Does Bill have it on his website actually? Should have thought of that...
  17. Good afternoon all, Just wondering what the differences are in the early style Herald bonnets? I am aware that some of the 'peaks' on the headlights are different, but what are the differences in the bonnets? Side lamps, grill mounts and grilles, heater vents... I'm sure they must have changed between early 948s and late 1200s, but just wondering what the differences are... if anyone can sum up, and possibly illustrate too?
  18. It depends how involved in the restoration you want to be. If I was paying someone to restore my cars, I'd want to be able to pop down if I had an afternoon off etc to see how it was going and not have to take a full day to go see the car.
  19. I would take it on myself Andy, but sadly, circumstances are against me. In the Coventry area I can recommend KD Triumph, or KD Classic and Custom. Very good work, and very good labour rates - but if you want the car turned around in half a day, Karl's not your man. If you ring him, tell him Jimbo sent you haha. For paint, and body work I can recommend D and R Services http://d-rservices.co.uk/restoration/ . A friend had his Lotus Elite restored there and they did an excellent job over all. They aren't the best spanner men in the world, but the body work and paint they do is fantastic.
  20. The Mk1 will be leaving the elements this weekend and going into the workshop for initial RBRR prep - there's a slight fuel leak somewhere so that needs looking at. There are other concerns too, but fuel is the main one. Also the electric fan I fitted makes the whole car vibrate, so I may re-mount that at some point too. Rewire the CD player as that has packed up, but I think it's just wiring as the thing still powers up, just shuts off straight away. Make a pod for the rev counter to sit in on the dash somewhere, and therefore wire in the rev counter. I'll probably be rebuilding the brakes too as they're not 100% at the minute.
  21. But then people new to the run won't be able to experience the Gordano Stare!! Fabled, famous and infamous all at the same time!
  22. I have a few neat chrome toggle switches that have an LED built into the end, saves the need for fitting a light as well as a switch, which I have on my electric cooling fan, and will have on my electric fuel pump when that's fitted and sorted out... Quite cheap, and feel to be good quality, from Vehicle Wiring Products. Obviously, if you're going with an original switch, my suggestion doesn't help at all. You could just get in the habit of pushing the switch as you go to change gear anyway so you know the OD is always disengaged when changing gear?
  23. I think that was uttered by my Dad and Brother at Gordano too!
  24. Now it's starting to sink in that I'm going to be doing this again, I've been thinking about our previous effort, and I think one of the major things I thought about was that neither of my two co-drivers slept well in the car, so when we got back to the Plough they were totally pooped. However, I was euphoric! I felt like I could jump back in the car and do the whole thing again! I'm sure I couldn't, but it damn well felt like it! There's a photo of me and my brother who was meant to drive home, but there was no way that he could have done. https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbc.....33ef&oe=56F69F66 After grabbing a bite to eat, a brew... and then a few more brews, we set off home. Pulling out of s petrol station and on the peak of a high, I gave her a boot-full... which promptly threw the differential mounts out, changing the gentle knocking that had developed at Badgers Holt into a full on 'thunk-thunk-thunk'.
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