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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. Not even just super-moderns - my mum had a diseasel turbo 306 from the mid-90's and that was torque limited on 1st to stop it (I guess) either blowing the clutch or shafts etc.
  2. Hi Pigboy, if you wanted to take part I will need an entry form and payment from you even to go on the reserve list. PM me if you wish to do so. Ta, Jon
  3. Find a fuel station in Scotland still selling leaded petrol - reset timing and surge ahead 3 places! Not exactly RBRR, but when I did a road trip to Austria 2 years ago with my mates, we were pootling along the Autobahn at about 85mph or so, at which point my mate Stu and his missus Sarah came flying past in their MR2 - well over the tonne. We commented 'Bloody Hell, Stu's going for it!' at which point over the walkie-talkies we'd installed in the cars (hard to communicate between 4 cars otherwise), we heard Stu say 'Sorry guys, Sarah's driving now.' then was interrupted by Sarah shouting 'I NEED A WEE!'... I'm sure emergency rush for a toilet break could be built into a 'roll again' type bonus...
  4. That was you and Bill was it Steve? I remember looking at the Vitesse at Land's End and thinking it looked really nice etc... then the next time I saw it was as a tripod  
  5. Andy Dann (Willows40) is set up for body work I believe, could be worth a chat with him?
  6. In my experience it was 'Get stuck down behind slow moving Dolomite in Wales at night, half what you throw' haha
  7. Rob's ones have made me think about our run in 2012 in a bit more depth; Fail to listen to the navigator - take a wrong turn at a traffic island - miss a turn (Dad decided to turn left off the A1... No idea why) Stall the engine and crunch the gearbox when turning round - miss a turn (Dad said the clutch had failed in the above incident when turning round... he was stamping the bl**dy dip switch for the headlights!) Stop to help a TR4 that lost all lights on an unlit stretch of dual carriageway - +1 on next roll (Think it was a German team, and they didn't need our help, but we stopped...) Navigator doesn't listen to driver's request for knowledge, take the wrong fork of the M90, other cars follow you - everyone moves back one space (Dad was navigating, said to carry on, rather than fork left to the west of Perth... There's a pattern emerging here of who caused the most issues) Get excited when leaving Skiach Services on the fun coastal road with the sun rising over the North Sea - +1 for each roll until reaching John O'Groats Stop to see if you can pull a car out of a loch that has slipped off the road - roll dice for miss turn or bonus points (I think most people that need to know already know the details of this one) Check your wheel nuts with a torque wrench at Stirling - get laughed at (I don't know which team it was, but someone thought it funny that I like to use a torque wrench in all critical locations) Get lost in the Gordano Stare - miss three turns (We all know this feeling) Check engine over at Land's End - adjust alternator belt as the sun rises - admire the view and feel very lucky - roll dice for miss turn or bonus points Diff Mounts break leaving Badgers Halt - minus one from each subsequent turn for taking it easy to make sure you get back! (Inaudible from the drivers seat, but an obvious thunk-thunk-thunk from the backseat)
  8. I have heard BSPT before, but I can't say for certain.
  9. How many cards are you hoping for Ted? I can come up with lots of suggestions, just maybe not all fully appropriate for a family board game.
  10. Would that explain why they always leak haha.
  11. Did you poke the bunch of bullet connectors that usually lives in the middle of the bonnet in the noseconeishthing? That's often the cause of front end lighting ills. A good clean up with some emery paper usually helps. A LIGHT dab of copper grease should help - but remember that copper grease is often conductive, so don't slather it everywhere!!
  12. Well I had the diff off after the RBRR in 2012 and have done very little mileage since (in overall terms) so I would not expect the bolts etc to be too hard to remove... I guess while I'm under there I'll investigate why the handbrake is so crap. Hmm, I do like the speed the car gets off the line currently, but motorway cruising always seems a little strained. Having said then, if I'm doing 70mph and need to get past a lorry quickly, if I poke it she picks up her heals and goes... I think I'll mull it over and decide when I have the thing pulled apart. Sorry to the OP for hi-jacking... at least it's on topic.
  13. Yeah, but then you wouldn't have it nicely printed in an embossed frame etc, which was part of the original idea... I don't really want to pay for a download...
  14. Would it not just be easier to remove the diff from the body than taking the nose piece and quill shaft out of the subframe? I'll have to check what condition the quill shaft is in. I don't think the diff has been leaking long. This also calls into question, if I fit the current 4.11:1 diff that is in it, or stick in the (I think) 3.45:1 diff that came with the car when I bought it... I was going to put an order in with Chris for some bits, but sadly he's not coming to Stoneleigh this year so his free courier service is not available. Luckily my other half's family live in Chard, so I may arrange for us to go and visit and make a detour to Chris' place.
  15. Table now booked at the finish location for 30 people! (24 team members and 6 marshalls). Let's hope that everyone makes it round now! A NOTE TO ALL TEAMS; FINALS WILL BE SENT OUT SOON TO CONFIRM START LOCATION AND TIMES ETC
  16. I was just thinking that getting a photographer out into the sticks could be difficult, and getting all the cars as they come through, plus teams would then have to pay for postage on them - not a deal breaker, but I guess some people may think twice about it in that scenario. It'd be good to have photos as people go through the B-Roads though.
  17. I had the same issue as Rob on my Mk1 2000 - the spring was faitigued and eventually broke. Luckily a certain hoarder of Triumph parts had a spare one that was hand delivered at the Summer Treasure Hunt...
  18. Yes, there should be a return spring.
  19. Sorry, this was on my Mk1 2000. When I took the diff out for inspection I used some silicon sealant on it and it seemed to last okay but has obviously failed. I was just wondering if there should have been a gasket in there in the first place?
  20. On this subject, I noticed my Mk1 had a small puddle of oil under the nose of the diff over the weekend. The car has been parked there for about 6 weeks (weather too bad to take it out - not that I don't want to drive it in the wet, but because there is no hard-standing outside my workshop so I'd just get stuck in the mud!). Should there be a gasket between the diff body and the nose piece in the subframe? That seems to be where it is leaking from and there is no gasket there that I can see.
  21. Have a word with lloyd Reed before you start sticking those panels on! He has sourced a supplier for very very good condition panels for the 2000 range that were previously unavailable. If these panels are hard to find (although less sought after with a smaller market for the FWD cars), he may be interested in producing panels using yours as templates to work from. It may delay your build a bit, but it will mean many others can stay on the road with new panels.
  22. Without knowing the route yet they could just go to the Start at the Plough, then one of the Stops in Oxfordshire and then at the Finish too, where they could sell the photos?
  23. Exciting times! Another entry on the doormat this evening!! You are welcome to still enter as I will operate a reserve list if needed. Beginner Rob Pearce / Iris Chiu - Cambridgeshire - GT6 Probably Novice Richard Warr / Lynn O'Halloran - Worcs - 2000 Mk1 Dave Maton / Steve Raddley - Herts/Essex - 2000 (2.5) Mk1 Matt Roughton / Matt Sutton - Warks / Somerset - Spitfire Bruce Garbutt / Brian Millington - Cheshire / Wrexham - GT6 mk3 Simon Goldsworthy / Russ Smith - Lincolnshire - Herald 1500 Jeremy Lupton / Andrew Flexney - Northants / Yorks - TR6 Expert Barry Marsh / Paul Marsh - Bucks/London - Vitesse 2L Mike Helm / Colin Wake - Essex - Dolomite Dale Barker / Nigel Abdullah - Herts - 2000 Mk1 Mike Bishop / Darren Armitage - Essex / Lancashire - Stag Charlie Deards / Ellis Stokes - Herts - 2500S Estate
  24. And yet another one plopped on the doormat a few days ago, so up to eleven ("But this one goes up to eleven...") entries now. Can we get one more to make it a full contingent..? Beginner Rob Pearce / Iris Chiu - Cambridgeshire - GT6 Probably Novice Richard Warr / Lynn O'Halloran - Worcs - 2000 Mk1 Dave Maton / Steve Raddley - Herts/Essex - 2000 (2.5) Mk1 Matt Roughton / Matt Sutton - Warks / Somerset - Spitfire Bruce Garbutt / Brian Millington - Cheshire / Wrexham - GT6 mk3 Simon Goldsworthy / Russ Smith - Lincolnshire - Herald 1500 Expert Barry Marsh / Paul Marsh - Bucks/London - Vitesse 2L Mike Helm / Colin Wake - Essex - Dolomite Dale Barker / Nigel Abdullah - Herts - 2000 Mk1 Mike Bishop / Darren Armitage - Essex / Lancashire - Stag Charlie Deards / Ellis Stokes - Herts - 2500S Estate
  25. I did look at the counter the other day and think 'I'm sure I have more time to prepare for that.'
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