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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. Now sent to you Colin. On the plus side, I have just had an email from someone that lives in the village (Fillongley) who has said thank you to everyone that took part, and it was nice to see the cars out and about. They went for a walk with their young children, so it gave them a chance to discuss the different cars and the details of them etc. So the moody bastard farmer may not have liked us, but he is very much in the minority it seems! So thank you all for giving the kids something to look at. Give it 20 years and they may be hankering after a Triumph! I wanted a Herald from the age of about 9 or so, 1200 in red was the car that made me want one... but a 13/60 in green was a good enough first car!
  2. Hi Bruce, Thanks very much for your feedback there. The summer event is much more relaxed, and a great way to get into nav events, although there is no set route on it as it's a treasure hunt. I'll respond to your points in order to keep it simple; A) The idea behind starting with the hardest section was that teams could catch up time on the later, easier sections. If they were the other way round the hardest section could have put teams over the time limit when before they were making good time. B) The estimate by myself and Mike Banks (organises a lot of CT events) was that it would take between 10 and 15 minutes to plot the first section. We underestimated the difficulty of it, so I can only apologise and say 'sorry' for that now. I will consider difficulty levels more for any future events of this type. C) The idea is the fastest teams leave later, with the beginners leaving last as they have a marked map to work from, so technically should have a fast run, follow the correct route and get a clean sweep. D) I could have added roundabouts in, and to be honest with you, I thought they were in there. Note to amend for next event (if it involves a Herringbone). E) Yes, fully agree, can build in more contingency time at PC/TCs. F) That is one side of these events - when AJ and I did Mike's event in Essex in October, other than on the drive down there and at the start we didn't see another Triumph on the whole event. However, on the Summer treasure hunts, there's much more of a 'social' aspect and you will tend to see the other cars at the stopping places en route. Not with CT, but with another club I was with some of the other teams would deliberately park badly so you couldn't pull over to find the answers to the questions! No such underhand behaviour in CT though. G) Time and cost go against that idea. AJ is great at catering (those that did the summer event particularly enjoyed the chilli she does), and on the Saturday night was doing a concert with her orchestra, so we just didn't have time to arrange and cook breakfast for that many people. Also, we had never used the Fillongley village hall before, and the kitchen was somewhat smaller than we were expecting. It's something we may offer at the summer event,as I recognise a lot of teams travel from a fair old way to do these. However, it's quite unusual for catering to be included in these events in any form, so often you wouldn't even get a croissant and a cup of hot brown. However, I can always look into offeringf bacon butties. A full English may be pushing it though. Plus, what's in an English? For me it's black pudding, sausage, fried bread, hash browns and a poached egg. Beans and tomatoes  can get left in the shop for all I care... Hope that answers some of your questions / points above, Who knows, decided it's in the best interest of the club to just leave it and not use that road again for future events. Thanks, Jon
  3. Having issues uploading section four. No matter what I do it says file size too large, even with only a few pixels on a JPEG as a test...
  4. Section 1 Marked Map (few gaps in the scans, but you'll be able to follow it easily enough on your own OS) Code boards are marked by green splodges for correct ones and orange for incorrect.
  5. I would guess that's due to the steep increase in costs that GT6's have commanded over recent years. I should have bought when I had the chance a few years ago - out of my funds range currently... I guess I could always sell a few others.
  6. Well done Richard, you and Lynn did very well! Just remember though the Novice clues were easier than experts, but that's why I combined the two... AndyF - It's quite normal to need a push at the start of the event to get into the swing of things. The first section was by far the hardest, both to understand and plot, and the event got easier, but as as been said, people were running out of time. I think next time I'll allow more plotting time at the check points. Martin, I'll email it over to you soon, and I can give you locations on their entry forms, so hopefully that will give you an idea for their local areas. Can you PM me the best email address to send you the info on?
  7. That's annoying. It might be a privacy issue. I'll get the photos from the photographers (May take a week or two as it's very much a hobby for them!), and then I'll upload to the gallery. Thanks for sorting that Keith.
  8. Link to photo set one - https://www.facebook.com/andre.....504685767&type=3 Link to photo set two - https://www.facebook.com/marty.....694570279&type=3
  9. Thanks Charlie, I think if I were to charge even a minimum wage for it, the entry fee would go up many many times! I do it for the love of it and trying to put something back into the club as well. In terms of the hardness, when I post the combined Nov/Ex results, there is a good mix. Maybe the difficulty was hard, but combine the two and it's fairly even I think. SO yes, it was hard, but I wanted the event to be a challenge too. I might knock it back a peg or two for the next one (if there is a next one in terms of Nav rallies). I was very pleased to get a full twelve cars, I worried that it would be like my first summer treasure hunt event, where I had 6 entries in total, only four of which were Triumphs! I'm glad I persevered though! So, thank you all for coming along and supporting the event - after all, if people don't do them, they won't get organised. I'm very happy and proud to be part of such an active club.
  10. Thanks for all the feedback guys, and I really appreciate the feedback, be it 'Thanks for a great event' through to 'That was too hard ya bastard!'. As I said to a few people in the pub, we all learn from these things - hopefully people learned a bit about the different navigation, and I learned a bit about rally organisation, and doing drivers briefings - they're getting better. If nothing else these events have helped my public speaking! Mike Banks helped a lot behind the scenes on this one in terms of paperwork etc, so a huge thanks to him too! Also, thank you to the kindly soul that offered to pay for your cup of brown! People in the past have suggested charging for it, but I can't do that, and it's all covered by the entry fee anyway!! Alex wasn't sure who it was that asked 'How much for a coffee', but thanks anyway! Having spent most evenings since October last year working on this, I'll take a few days out if that's okay . I've got the scores and I think I've got the marked maps with the correct routes on on my lap top, so I can upload those during the day. I'll upload the results tables in two formats - by class and 'overall', not including Beg class. Obviously having a marked map gives some advantage! Also, as Colin Scrapman mentioned it, only one codeboard has gone missing, all others were where I left them. The one that went missing was an incorrect one that would have taken you on a codeboard tour. I hope no-one tried to take the short way round on one of the junctions in the second section at Tower Lane - It's only 3 meters long, but it's also a 3 meter drop too!! Also, I need to say thank you to the marshals too, they won't see this as they're not on the forum, but it's great to have some mates (and their other halfs in Andy's case) that are willing to put their own time and energy into these events. They're not members of the club, or even own a Triumph, but they're a good bunch of lads. I'll stick some more photos up on here during the day, and the link to the album (on facebook) which should be set to 'public' so even if you are not signed up to facebook you should still be able to view it. Finally, I hope that all the teams that came along to this can also make the Summer Treasure Hunt we run - it's a totally different event, much more social and the navigation clues are grid reference points, so you know where you need to go!
  11. The spherical black plastic, might not be plastic and could be the spring loaded contact from the central connection on the dizzy cap.
  12. Hi Dave, Thanks for your summary of the event there. I do appreciate the feedback, and it was all fairly similar to each other. I think I made the event a little bit harder than I had anticipated, and, although I want it to be a challenge, I didn't mean to take the fun out of the event. All of the novice teams and one or two expert teams did need a bit of a hand initially, but I think once it had been explained a little most teams got to know what they needed to do. So, the treasure hunt in the summer is a totally different type of event and much more fun (unless going pot hunting, in which case it gets more competitive), and I have learned a fair bit from this in terms of any future Nav rallies I do. Here are a few photos from the day - hope to get the HD ones from the photographers to put in the album, and ultimately get a publication together to go in the club mag.
  13. That looks liks some good moulding for something 'bodged' together! Nicer that some of the moulds we used at Ginetta!
  14. The current project list below should indicate that to be the case... My Vitesse has a strong 4.11:1 in it. It's done a few seasons racing, track days, RBRR and 3 years daily driving...
  15. Same, my Vitesse has only four fixing studs in it due to the spring. No problems here.
  16. Nah, just stick a 4.11:1 in it and blow everything out the water until 60mph. Great fun.
  17. That would be most useful. I've got a free 2600 engine to go into my Mk1 Estate. Working at JLR, there are people here that worked on the SD1 all those years back, so hopefully they can tell me the tricks for getting more poke. I have been told that originally the 2600 six was more powerful than the 3.5L V8 so it had to be detuned... I've also heard the 2600 engine can be dreadfully unreliable...
  18. Jonny-Jimbo

    fuel pipe

    Yup, you don't need a 'kit' and Rimmers are always overpriced. Any good motorfactors will sell hard line in copper, cunifer or steel. I often buy kit from Demon Tweeks, but I get a good discount through the 750MC, otherwise they're quite expensive too.
  19. None of my cars have one of these twerps either thankfully...
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