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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. Andy has now published the photos! Full album here: https://www.facebook.com/andrew.blair.9/media_set?set=a.10154287740295768&type=3 I will add them to the CT photo album when I get a chance, but here are some highlights of the album,
  2. Sounds like you're talking about the torque converter, which would make it an autobox. Can you post photos? Although Vitesse and GT6 were never built at the factory as Autos (maybe one or two special ones), but someone may have converted it in later life. What is more likely is that you have a 2000 engine and autobox. If it is a 2000 engine then the front and back plate are different, and the engine is canted over something like 11 degrees in the 2000. Photos will really help.
  3. It is possible that the jet is blocked. Remove it and blow it through with compressed air. You might also find it's worth cleaning the float chamber out, as I found the float chambers on my HS6's had a load of silt and rusty crud in them.
  4. Mike Banks - yes, I can send one over soon. Mike Bishop - Yes, you got those points. Apologies about the discs, we thought they were metal, it wasn't meant to be deceiving etc. AM8 was on one of the old timberframe buildings on the highstreet.
  5. Hi Dale, As I siad further up the thread, the afternoon session is always harder (in my events) with a need to be more selective of where you go and what questions you answer. I also made a lot of effort to not visit any churches this year (at least not directly) after Church Fest in 2015. There was more stuff to ask questions on around this neck of the woods though, which really helps when organising of course. I'm still going through in my head how to improve the start line situation, whilst keeping to the blue book rules - to be confirmed down the line. We'll also look at ways we can improve the catering situation too, whilst I think everyone was happy with the food, the long queue was less than ideal. Also Dale, I will send the scores over to you to put in the magazine as a complete table in Excel rather than having to copy it from the Forum.
  6. The PM sheet has now been adjusted after issues with mileage (I had Richard Warr down as having covers 834 miles in two hours!)
  7. Can you take the alternator off and find a number stamped into the body? Even a manufacturer will help. Unless it obviously says so, there is no guarantee that it's even still a Lucas unit. Welcome to the forum too. Also, we like photos here, we REALLY like photos. They can explain an awful lot.
  8. Rob, I got that question two or three days before the rally, so I'm confident the sign was still there. It is always a risk with these events that things change between finding the question and the event itself. I do my best to ask about things that are unlikely to move. However, some teams did get 'asparagus', so I think the sign is still there. In fact, in that village there were lots of signs for asparagus! Mike, Q1PM and Q9PM were two of the tricky ones. In fact, I was half expecting to get lynched for the Q9PM, as you would have to know the Jubilee Line is silver, so the silver underground line is Jubilee, and the grid reference gives three jubilees. I forgot to say in the briefing that the higher the points the harder, or more cryptic the question. Indeed, often with the cryptic ones, the actual information is obvious, but deciphering it is difficult. It was also intended to reward those who plotted carefully, as the road splits in that village very close together, and an incorrectly plotted point would lose teams 5 mins driving round the village. (Mwahahhahahaha.... /evillaugh). That of course also goes for 'Club Triumph Starts Farming' too; add a bit of grammar, remove some crypticness and you have 'Club Triumph Starts; Farming'... This was almost a gift for people in CT, although some of the other teams got it too.
  9. The answers for the afternoon were a lot more scattergun for most teams - indeed, there is hardly a pattern at all, possibly indicative of teams panicking about getting round enough questions etc. Three questions not attempted, or got right by any team, so these have been 'blanked out' - you'll get another shot at them at the next rally probably, with a higher points score. Only pattern for the afternoon is that the top 8 teams all got question 1 correct. After that, no real pattern to scores.
  10. Rally AM answers (all questions attempted by at least one team) - The top 6 teams (and oddly, the bottom scoring team too) all got question 8 right. This is the most obvious pattern in the scoring, and there wasn't a single question in the morning that every team attempted and got right.
  11. Hi Mike, I will have to check through the paperwork, as some questions were not attempted by any teams - this being the case I will blank these out from the sheet so I can use again on future events. Can you remember which question it was, I can quickly look it up now?
  12. Thanks Richard, sounds like we got the questions about on the mark, as that's what I was hoping. There is usually one that is nearly impossible... Thanks Mike, hope you enjoyed the Vitesse cake too - Niamh's baking is excellent, and her and AJ made a good team. A lot cheaper than buying ready made cakes from Costco etc. I was very happy with it, particularly as she volunteered to provide the cake, we didn't even have to ask. I will re-read the Blue Book before the next event to see if my understanding of the rules has changed at all. I'd like to make it fair, but I still have to fit within the rules. Here are the results for the AM. I need to recheck the mileages on the PM section when I get home this evening. They won't affect the standings, but I want to correct them before publishing (on the scores calculator one team did 830miles or so)
  13. Similar issue blatting round the Nurburgring in the 540 - after three laps I was coming down the back straight, coasting down to come off the track and I had no clutch at all. Had to bleed it out with fresh fluid the next morning, but since then it's been fine.
  14. Hi Ian, Unfortunately this was a one off event, in the sense that it happens once a year. The Gaydon Motor Centre costs a lot to hire out  for the day, so the Comps Team are thinking of other places that we could use in the general vicinity. There may be another one in Gaydon next year if a suitable venue isn't found. There are the two other events in the area, the Warwickshire Winter Wander 12 Car Rally and the Warwickshire Scatter Rally, which was this weekend just gone.
  15. Thank you everyone for the feedback - 'constructive feedback' helps improve an event, but 'positive feedback' means we're more likely to do another one! Mike, you're not alone, the afternoon session is a lot harder than the morning session, but mainly due to the time constraints - I do this deliberately though. If teams have any sense, they will know that in two hours they will not get to as many places as they would in three hours, and modify their expectations. I'll put full scores up soon, but the highest and lowest scores for the morning are; 49 (Alex and Andy in the Mini, but they did breakdown for an hour), and the highest was 170, which was Simon and Sarah in their MX5. Afternoon 25 (Nick and Claire in the MX5), and the highest was 190, which was Jono and Graham in the Clio. (These scores include the picture bonus round) The bonus round proved not to be as effective as I thought, although one test I did was to have the two questions very close together at Charlecote, and one of the bonus round photos there. All the teams apart from one got that picture round, a few teams got two questions, but Andy Martin was the only one to get three of them. Other things I am thinking for any future events is start line control - the regulations stated that baulking is not allowed, and you're not allowed to block other cars in, but there was no penalty attached to that. Unless I am mistaken, the Blue Book says that cars must not have a starting order, or staggered start and finish times, which makes it complicated. I did think about having a 'clear' area and the start line further down the car park, but then at 10am, I'd just end up with 24 cars racing down the car park towards the startline, with the risk of obvious consequences. Could I get any feedback from you all about the level of the questions (obviously some are more cryptic etc), but feedback on that side would help too.
  16. Can you post a photo of the car if you're planning on running it with 14" on the front and 13" on the rear? Would be an unusual look...
  17. The mounts could be on the wrong side of the holes on the turrets, that would move the engine back fractionally I think. (Swapping the turrets side to side would mean roughly 6" moved back)
  18. Won't it need cowling to direct the air, as the flow from the radiator fan will be far greater than this and may mean it's ineffective. Or will it have a pipe directed to the pump?
  19. I'm sure you can sell it, but I've found that aftermarket steering wheels do not hold value at all. I've bought and sold various Astralli, Moto-Lita and Momo wheels etc over the years as and when I've felt a change needed (arthritis in my right hand means it can take a while to find a comfortable steering wheel). I've never bought new, and usually paid between £10 and £30 depending on the wheel, and then sold it for similar money if I didn't like it. There is one wheel worth a lot, which was (from memory) an optional extra fitted to Herald for a short time;
  20. On a less helpful note, is a 14" Wheel Rubbing like a Brass Rubbing?
  21. I'm wondering if this will be the first wet scatter event? We had some rain last year, but not on the scale we've had recently!! In either case, the event will still run, there is no need to use anything other than sealed surface roads etc, and the area we're using for the event is not known for wide spread drainage issues. Just bring a coat I guess!
  22. Early Vitesse had extra gusseting as well on the inside of the tower, up to where the three bolts for the damper come through.
  23. Amazingly, we are over subscribed for the event now (by one car...) If you think you can't make it now, please let me know so I can inform the Reserve Team. Reserve Teams Res 1 - Connie Eardley and Rowan Floyd - Abarth 500 Tourismo - No Area
  24. Well, 10CR will be fun when we need Visas and Passports to travel between countries...
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