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Everything posted by Matt306

  1. Dremel was applied to the side of bushes. The springs did look a little underwhelming though
  2. Dizzy weights freed some time ago. I do come out of OD coming up hills.... perhaps i need a 6 pot 1600
  3. The Starter motor failed tonight leading to a tow truck to get me home. I have opened her up and found the bushes burnt. These aren't old bushes and not long fitted. They were a tightish fit and i suspect the old springs aren't working like they should pushing the bushes up to make contact making an arc and burning the contacts. I have cleaned it all off and its fine again cranking at good speed. Anyone know where to get the springs? Oh my starter doesnt look like the herald one on Canleys , looks more like the dynamo.
  4. Greenstuff been in for a few day and with the standard steel disc definite upgrade ...
  5. I have the standard Stromberg Carb CD 150 I suspect i need to remove the main jet and needle to check? In actual fact thinking about it i brought a refurb kit for the CD150 with seals and jets etc marketed for the Herald so should be ok. I took the dizzy to bits the weights were stuck but not any more. The vacuum advance holds a vacuum (I tested it with vac pump) I like your thoughts on MOT test. One of the problems i find is a lack of oomph coming up the hills. It might be the 40 yr old engine which only had 60HP new or perhaps the OD gearbox and 3:89 diff.
  6. Just getting the best out of the standard Herald 1300 engine... when i say standard, it has got a spitfire head on (previous owner) and electronic ignition.
  7. I have colourtune but didnt find it that helpful. I have read a Vac guage is good for tuning any thoughts?
  8. I found those before, they seem to be more about pimping the engine up. I want to know how to get the best out of my standardish 13/60 engine.
  9. OK I have a 1360 engine with Spit head, standard Stromberg CD125 Carb. How do you all go about checking the fuel mix is good. I have a normal dizzy with electronic ignition. Ok it runs and drives ok, but recently I seem to be drinking fuel. I want to run through things but what is the opinion, valves first then carb, or carb dizzy then valves.... a bit of expert advice appreciated.
  10. I'll see how I  go on the green stuff then if rubbish change again. But Ill report back.
  11. Will these fit standard calipers? I have seen solid grooved discs.
  12. Yes JohnD you are correct but as I can stop the car with bargain basement pads, I dont see the point in spending a load on expensive pads when the cheapest do the job. Greenstuff are rated for light cars for road use, which is what i do. If they start to fade at hot I'll go get some grooved discs.
  13. I can't use it as the BHP selection only goes as low as 60
  14. Just for clarity it was only once I felt the brakes needed an upgrade that was on the RBRR and that was only once on the whole trip when coming off Dartmoor. When the brakes cooled off they were fine again. Ferny suggested better fluid, I use bog standard stuff clean and new like the rest of the components. Nice firm feel on the pedal. Anyway if they are rubbish I'll let you all know.
  15. Thing is I'm not even going to the Alps
  16. I only posted originally to advise the price for other CT members. I didn't realise some people would get so emotive over a set of brake pads.
  17. I only drive on road, no race circuits so going to try the green stuff they are for light cars for road use. As above there has been one recommendation on a vitesse.
  18. For what I use my Herald for they are fine... It's a stuffing Herald if it gets to 80 it's a miracle...I could try ceramic brakes but I think that would be a waste for a 60hp car. Even with bargain basement pads from Canleys I've found fine for everyday use. I leave a decent braking distance respecting the car and conditions. I based my decision on use of car and cost...
  19. Thanks Ferny... Yes I am upgrading to better quality pads (hopefully) but hopefully at the cheapest price and thought I would share my find. The bargain basement pads have been fine for everyday use, I only found them a problem coming off Dartmoor. All the components are new with stainless steel pistons and pipes and new copper pipes with new caliper seals. So the car stops straight and true , very well in fact for 50 year old tech. So I haven't considered I scrimped on critical components. What fluid do you recommend Ferny I have standard fluid at the mo.
  20. I thought so , thought i would put it out there, there Weekend12 offer doesnt have long to run
  21. Having done RBRR and found the braking coming off Dartmoor with bargain basement pads slightly 'ropey' I have ordered some Greenstuff pads. EBC list these as part number DP2114 https://ebcbrakesdirect.com/automotive/triumph/herald-13-60/1.3-1967-1971/13554 Carpart4less with the weekend12 code allowed me to get these ordered and delivered for a shade over £25 which is the cheapest i have found. Just putting it out there for sharing.
  22. Two of us would... It was our first , I had grand ideas of not using Satnav, we didnt but wish we had!
  23. You could be correct, hot and cold although mostly hot thinking about it. Perhaps I upgraded the ignition too much, with triple core plugs, new leads, gold coil and electronic ignition and dizzy rebuild.
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