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Everything posted by Matt306

  1. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Luckily I only have one Carb. I think I may try the tune up on the car until the 6 cylinder is done. The six needs a skim U/L valves crank grind , Rad recore, dizzy, carb rebuild so a bit of a long term project. Plus i  have a Spit MkIV inbound. Bearings arrived , centre and rear bearing complete. Thrust washer was replaced as well... for the price of £6 might as well. And good job too, far less movement now. The old surface had some of it cracked away. Two more pistons and front bearing to complete, then torque it all up.  Seal up that sump , new oil filter, new oil... vrooom
  2. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    I have had the sump off for a couple of days now so only a few drops left. I tested the compression in the engine last year it was quite good I'll get the bearing done and report back as to worn pistons. Thinking the lack of oomph going up hill might be due to the overdrive box which and 3.89 diff. Maybe I need to check timing etc Thanks for your help and advice as ever.
  3. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Think that is treating the symptoms rather than the cause. Any tips for getting the top half of the shell out with the engine in situe. I was thinking drifting them around.... carefully
  4. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Heres my bearing from my little Herald engine https://photos.app.goo.gl/gcjxpqbxZheRIwE73 as you can see well and truly shot. The crank has some mark but i'll live with it until i get the 1600 engine done. Query do worn bearing effect performance?
  5. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Thanks guys the big ends and mains are both standard, so i think i'll treat her to tri metal bearings for the price difference- or is this just a waste of £20?
  6. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Following on from my bearings, I dropped the sump of the herald today concerned by the low oil pressure at idle when hot. Yes the mains are shot little bit of scoring on the bearing journal looks ok from under neath no oil ridge in the centre. I am planning on swapping the engine for the 1600 lump at some point in the future. In the mean time want to keep the Herald going so going to just bung in some new bearings at £17 they are throw away price from Canleys anyway. My query is should the main bearing bolts and big end cap bolts be replaced as a matter of course or can they be re used. I checked Haynes and no mention of using new ones.
  7. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Going to get the block dipped. It has been say for some time and has rust evidence and clean the oil galleries out some thick gunk in the bottom end. I'll get a measure from my friendly mechanic at the back of mine. Hoping be posting rings will do the trick.
  8. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Got the crank out this morning no scoring apart from the ridges on the two centre Mains. The outside Mains don't have any ridges at all. With the pistons out there is a slight lip at the top of the bore presumably where the piston rings reach.
  9. Matt306

    Bearings 1600

    Right fixed my engine hoist a 25 eBay purchase and mounted the engine side on to the engine mount. I have removed the bearings from my 1600 vitesse engine. The big end bearings are +30 does this mean they have had work before? The mains seem standard but the crank has a noticeable ridge on the journal does it need machining? https://photos.app.goo.gl/9gNSM0i5l7BMf1ST2
  10. just getting around to getting the head skimmed and enquiring as to prices to have some u/l valve seats put in too.... OMG over £200. I think my four pot had this and valve guides for a little over £100. Is this a normal price?
  11. Matt306

    Rocker Shaft

    Liking your split pin idea. The pin is solid tried drifting it out no good.
  12. Matt306

    Rocker Shaft

    I'll have to drill the pin out of my rocker shaft to replace some bits on it. Canleys dont list the Millers pin which its meant to use, anyone have an idea what the roll pin dimensions would be, i expect thats the favoured route for replacement.
  13. Just crossed it off the list. Nick was it your 1600 with the original expansion tank for water? What carbs u got on?
  14. I'll take some photos, not too bad in all honesty. Hadnt thought of Cam bearings , thought of mains and big end bearings!
  15. It looks like the engine old head gasket had a leak on one of the cylinders as there is a little pitting on the block around one cylinder. Not much mind. The area around water galleries has a little pitting. The head valves are set back quite a way on the head so should be ok.
  16. Herald 4 pot which took us around in 2016 is going to develop 2 more for a Vitesse 6 engine
  17. Think I'll get em skimmed then. When you say deck them down what do you mean?
  18. The top of my project 1600 engine has signs of corrosion around the water galleries, whats recommended a light sand or some engineering. Given the little bean can piston come up to the top of the block there isnt much to play with.
  19. [mem]Nick Jones[/mem] Nick did you have dimensions for your plate?
  20. Having re-read my OP I didnt make clear it was the housing i was after.
  21. Ok cheers just bidding on a housing on evil bay
  22. Ok I know the later heads were machined differently, dies that make any difference to the things?
  23. When you say standard I have one from a herald 13/60 will that work
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