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Posts posted by Saltddirk

  1. We only found Carter bar empty on our route, and with the down pour and weather conditions being as they were I can not blame them. my hat off for all those that man these points in the wee hours of the night. All the other points we found staffed, even if we were the last ones in and by a large margin out of the allotted times.
    The topic was discussed in the car and perhaps, and specially for those remote not very hospital points, a sign could be left after the opening times, for the straggles to take a picture off as proof of passage.


  2. We had good experience at JOG, very friendly and quick service. but then most had been served by the time we rolled in.
    It was miles better than the Lands end breakfast, still we did not suffer the long queues, but there was hardly anything left, the bacon was half baked... We had joked amongst us that at JOG it was way better so lets head up there again.
    Still, while it was not the best of a fry up ever, it was still very welcome and cudooos for those who managed to secure a breakfast for 200 odd people in such a short timespan.

  3. thank you all for the congratulations!
    Boy did we have fun..... Even with the Hooligans driving it while I was asleep...

    Still well done for the old girl, she only complained when we put in the cheap Tesco stuff, she loves the premium gogo juice much better, and quite a lot of it.
    The only breakdown we had was a return spring on the carburettor that broke, and the Alternator that made a bit for freedom but Shaun managed to catch it in time,Oh and my armrest fell off... Bummer!

    That is not to count our last minute pre-start panic when the fuel connection into the carb stripped it's thread and we could not get it tight. A big thank to Mike Pepper, who drove all the way from Burgress Hill with a spare carb he picked up a week before.
    Also a big thank to, and I now forgot his name, from the Razoredge club who drove out in his renown to Pimpernel with a bootfull of spares just in case we would have needed anything.

    And our thanks to Tim, Jason and all the others who made this happen!


  4. MikeyB wrote:

    Yep that was us. John M was driving a Hyundai this year!

    It was a pleasure, top marks to you guys for doing the run in something a bit different - what an absolutely stunning car you have!

    Good to meet you.  We'd hoped to see you again at Conan Bridge, but tiredness was starting to kick in so departed ourselves once everyone else had left. Bill Murray stayed on, don't know if you made it to him in time?

    Mike (and Graham)

    Yes we made it, at that point we were about 2 hours late, just took a nap then to find out my 2 co-drivers got lost in schotlandshire....
    Was so glad for all of you who stayed late to sign in our roadbook, Edinburgh airport, Skiagh, Conor Bridge (actually spurring us on) Sugarloaf....

    Then we made good progress until the rally stage showed us that a REnown is defenitellly NOT a rally car!

    Roll on 2016!

  5. Last minute spannering at the plough to sort out those indicator's  meet up with Rob.

    Off to To the hotel with a strong fuel smell
    The carburetor top  ( new overhauled one) has a stripped thread at the fuel pipe connection. Will have to glue that in tomorrow.
    Called a helpline to get one here as a back up as well


  6. car is loaded, Shaun will be buying some stores in the morning and then we are off!
    the indicators turned out to be a dodgy switch in the steering boss, so have temporary installed 2 switches wired into the flashers relays... should work ... for now. Too much work to strip the steering box and retrieve the switch.

    hooking up the trailer... no lights, no indictors, brake, tail..... grrr.... had shaun hunting for fuses, but the solution was much simpler, a loose wire in the plug
    . being the earth return nothing would work. should have been obvious but took us a good hour of swearing before it dawned.

    Ah well, getting good with the multimeter!

    See you all on friday!, or Thursday evening for a quick route recon... to know where to take off from... Oh did not realize it was a pub, well we might just have one then...



  7. well
    spend one long night getting the last bits bolted on, cured a exhaust leak, checked all oil levels and got round with the grease gun.
    we had to replace one brake caliper and the front shoes, not that they were worn out, but a bit too uneven left to right so while we had the new ones handy fitted them.

    Now the only thing remaining to be done is to fix the indicators.... passenger side will not work.... traced all my new wires, no mistakes here, renewed the last bit of old wire to the trafficator, no success... ah well, there is still tomorrow..
    And if anything else fails we give 3rd driver on the back seat a flashlight and he can stick his arm out of the window as required signaling.... :)

  8. grrrrrr!
    Got a email from Some Lea with comfort hotels, to thank me for cancelling my reservation.!!!
    Seems that the comfort hotel in Enfield will seize to trade as of Sunday night. Why they accepted my bookings in the first place i would not know.
    A quick panic google search and now we are booked into the Waltham Abbey Premier inn for sunday. 10 pounds extra per room plus 8 for breakfast. Still glad we dont have to drive another 50 miles on Sunday....

  9. Hoi,

    Welcome onboard, feel free to start a new thread to ask your questions,
    No a Renown is not very heavy to steer, however a lot of things could influence, lack of oil and wear in the box, all those linkages without grease, but mainly a front wheel alignment I would think.
    It is a fairly heavy car so steering would never be overly light. The box is made by Marles and not overly well engineered more, let say, a bit antiquated as design.

    kind regards

  10. Watching a few old Top gear Episodes last night, series 6, where they are on a quest for the greatest driving song ever ever made me think.

    What is the song you would like to pour out of your car speakers, if you ever had such luxury, at the Start at the Plough on that friday evening, and why not, which one when you finally roll in the Sunday....

    For me it has to be Steppenwolf, Born to be wild.....
    Get your motor runnin'
    Head out on the highway
    Looking for adventure
    In whatever comes our way

    Yeah, darlin'
    Gonna make it happen......

    Not have given the arrival any thought so far, first things first.


  11. stage3 wrote:
    Great work!

    One thing you might consider is to put an additonal support on the oil cooler. The way you have mounted it will allow for a lot of flex when the car is on the move. I had one oil cooler fail in the past, because it had been flexing around too much.

    Goodl luck for the RBRR.

    Thanks, We'll need the wishes I think.
    We were debating on putting some extra protection below and in front of the Radiator, perhaps a shroud each side with some mesh in between. Problem is that there is not much to start off from.

    Shaun will be working on the brakes later, he'll come up with something I hope... :)


  12. Thanks Mall,
    Trying to keep looking at it from the bright side. Still morale was low quite a few times.

    To keep focus I bought, top gear challenge style, a back up car to complete the journey with if this one would not be ready.

    sometimes you wonder where all the hours go! how long can it take to bolt a few parts back on, to grind down a few nuts and rewire a few cables...
    But as said before we feel better now confident that we will at least make the start line! That much at least we own to the sponsors who have donated to Just Giving so far!
    We also have a few pledges to pay a sum per mile we actually achieve. The doubters!!!!

    The back up car, it has a hood to keep most of the rain out, and 4 seats so the 3 of us could still go What more do you need? :

  13. with all this out of the way I have booked the crossings!
    we'll be taking the 1150 train to Folkestone on Thursday.

    Not that I think we shall break down, but I will bring her over on the trailer, so that, in the unlikely event she fails to proceed, then we can have RAC to recover her to the trailer. I do have international break down insurance but then we will have to leave the car behind as happened in France, and they can take up to one month to repatriate your car depending on availability of their trucks.

    A bit more job to be done though,
    then finish off the body work, great for cooling but hot rodding is not really my style
    and also we still have the brakes to check and some loose ends to be wired up. plus a few gremlins I did not manage to cure yet!
    As I am again away for work for a month now the week before will be busy!


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