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Everything posted by cook1e

  1. My Gt6 had a Saloon engine in it and still had the front plate fitted but without the rubber mounts. I just took an angle grinder to the brackets on the front plate with it in situ to remove them! I ran around like this for quite a while until I eventually replaced with a recon unleaded GT6 engine from Kippings back in the day.
  2. My company also paid Macmillan direct, however I've let Tim know so that it can be added to the grand total when the presentation is made at the awards dinner. Just drop Tim an email with the details.
  3. ferny wrote: If you were considered a UK entry it'd say Goody & Biscuit. I have it on good authority from some Spanish freinds that Cookie is a dog's name in Spain. a bit like Fido etc... Not sure if I want to be a biscuit or a Dog though ??
  4. cook1e

    Rear wing

    Surely it  can be "made" to fit the 105E if you use a big enough hammer, just might not be very pretty.
  5. Don,   As Harwich is close to you an option may be to get the Harwich to the Hook day ferry the day before, this should be cheaper as you'll save the cabin fee and get a cheap hotel near Aachen for about the same price as a cabin that night so you are there ready for the morning departure.
  6. cook1e

    oil cooler

    Only ever fit an oil cooler with a thermostat. If the oil runs too cool it will damage the engine more than not having a cooler. The only time a cooler is going to be needed is for track days or long extended periods of high speed driving. Only time I'm convinced the thermostat has ever opened on mine was doing a couple of hundred miles of continental touring on the autobahn cruising at 90mph plus.
  7. Not brilliant pictures but this is the set up on Colin Geers Cossie Turbo GT6. It has modified GT6 uprights with MGF discs and calipers. Also has CV joint suspension with Coilover shock dampers and top and bottom wishbones instead of the original transverse spring. Not relevant to this post I guess but the diff is a Sierra Cossie LSD. The set up uses 15 inch wheels to provide clearance to the brakes at the front which are AP racing Clipers with bigger discs. Looks to be plenty of clearance at on the back set up though.
  8. Never seen one like this before and suspect it's been made up as a one off by a trimmer od skilled previous owner. One give away to this is the style of the upholstery flutes, for an early GT6+ or MK2 the flutes would be barrower, for a late one they would be in basket weave if it were an official factory version.
  9. It wasn't without my permission as the magazines had requested pictures and I sent some in so legally legitimate, but it still would have been nice to have been credited. Never mind, next time if I submit any pictures to magazines I'll state that they only have my permission to use if they credit me for the pictures in the publication. Hindsight is a great thing :-) .
  10. It certainly says that the start is in Aachen in the club mag....
  11. Hopefully I'm in for the first time this year, currently hatching a plan to enter with Bill Goodwin. I've never been "allowed" to enter before as it always clashed with my Wedding Aniversary, however getting Divorced means that's no longer an issue!
  12. willows40 wrote:A lot of years ago I had a set of cosmic alloy on a mk1 vitesse, I also had a mk3 gt6 at the same time, because the gt6 was a rotoflex car the cosmics wouldn't fit on the rear of the gt6, can't really remember why but think it was catching on the rear tie bar, Cheers Andy I have Cosmics on my Rotoflex GT6 and they are very tight at the rear. Thety were OK but when I rebuilt a halfshaft a couple of years back it fouled on the wishbone trunion shroud plate. I dressed back the plate as a temporary fix but have now fitted the longer wheel studs and 10mm spacers which provides a sensible ammount of clearance (about 1/8 inch). Yes I know youd think 10mm spacers would provide 10mm of clearance but the clearance is at an angle... Picture below is without the spacers and the shroud dressed back.
  13. In case anyone else needs them, the guy on face book was Richard Briscoe (RB Mobile Classics) he has then in stock as he has had spacers made up in all the sizes for Rotoflex hubs. Richard's contact details:- rbmobileclassics@gmail.com  07766 354449
  14. The main picture in the PC article is one of my photos, as is the small one at the bottom with Chris having a kip! Nice to see my pictures published But, would have been better if the magazine could actually have credited the photos to the photographer.....
  15. For those of you who are also members of the "other" Triumph Club on the "dark side" , there will also be a report on GT6s on the RBRR in my monthly GT6 register column in the courier... Lots of TSSC members on the run and a lot of interest amongst the membership, even got sponsorship from some!
  16. We have had two separate meetings in the past, one south one midlands but I think it's a question of cost of two venues.
  17. Is there a link to the photo section in one of the menus at the top of the forum page? I cant see one so top find the picture section without a link is pretty difficult. I reckon we could do with a Photo menu with drops downs on the main menu in the forum, more people would be aware of the section then...
  18. I've now loaded mine up but waht a faff, it took an hour to load up the 40 or so photos that took less than 10 minutes on facebook and that's not including shrinking them first which you don't need to do on facebook, photobucket etc. If we want to promote loading them up to the website it needs to be as quick and as as it is on other sites. No shrinking and as many as you want to load all in one go is what we need. It's also dead easy to load them on to face book stright from the mobile using the app. What we ideally need is a Club Trioumph photo upload app but I know that's about as likely as us all winning the lottery!
  19. I didn't find the macmillan presentation too long, that was because I dosed off during it! I hope I didn't snore too loundly :-) We had a Sat Nav with the POI files for all the checkpints that I had shared before the run. However we didn't use the Sat Nav for navigating, we ignored it and followed the road book and the map I had marked up with the route. The internal Sat Nav lady got quite irritated when we ignored her pleas to follow a different route! What the Sat Nav was useful for was, 1.   Having an idea of whether or not we were on track in terms of timing for the next checkpoint, 2, Having a view of the bends in the road ahead at night, particulary useful for overtaking as you had a view of when a straight bit was coming up before you reached it and could plan ahead, 3  Having a view of the speed limits and a warning when we were exceeding them. We didn't necessary slow down whne warned by the Sat Nav but at least you knew you were speeding and could slow down if a Police Car came into view.  4. Warnings about the Speed cameras on routre, especally the overzealous use of them on the A68 up to Edinburgh... In terms of Food, apart from the hassle with delays of actually getting the brekkie at Lands End the Food was bang on, especially suplemented by a car full of Pasties, Sausage Rolls, cakes and energy drinks we certaibnly didn't starve. And the Lamb and Black Pudding Pie purchased at Tebay was yummy :-) We made all the checkpoints on time except the last one at the Plough as it actually took 2 1/4 hours to get from Didcot to the Plough following the Roadbook due to the Traffic Jams on the Oxford Ring Road and M40. We were however early at Blyth and waited to get the book signed but only reached Carter Bar with about 10 minutes to spare thanks to the Jams on the A1 so anyone leaving Blyth towards the end of the checkpoint window probably wouldn't have made Carter Bar on time. When there are big Jams like that there needs to be a bit of flexibility in the chjeckpoint openeing times but this is difficult to manage at locations like Carter Bar and Sugar Loaf where phone reception is non existent so it's not going to be possible to let the Marshalls know that the field of crews are all being delayed.
  20. I cant see how Colin's route would get us back to the Plough any earlier on the Sunday if we hit Blythe at the same time as normal the rest of the run will be on the same timings as now ?
  21. Woo Hoo!   Great News, I applied for matched sponsorship funding from my employer Vodafone and I've just had a mail confirming that my application has been approved. Vodafone match any sponsorship raised up to £350.00! So that's another £350 raised by team "Flying Log", it will get paid direct to Macmillan rather than through my just giving page so I've shown it as an offline donation for now. Anyone else who works for a big company it's worth checking if they have any similar schemes as I know a lot of companies do this....
  22. We followed the roadbook from Didcot leaving at 17:45 well within the time window and it took 2 1/4 hours to get to the plough so we didn't arrive until 20:01 strictly late! Lots of crews that we saw at Didcot had already been at the Plough for ages so I guess they used a different route.What we need is for teams to advise how long it took and what route they followed so that the quickest one can be used as the offcial route next time. It's not Rocket science and it would really make a positive difference.
  23. Difficult to add top the thanks without repeating what has already been said. This was my 5th run and one of the most enjoyable, first time in a 3 man crew and I think it worked well Although I did miss the power of the GT6 on uphill stretches and when we needed to overtake the flying log 1500 Dolly held it's own reasonably well and sevearl crews remarked how fast it was, which is amazing as it's a totally bog standard 1500HL. Anyway, thanks to the Organisers, Jason for the entry admin, Nigel for the Route, Tim for overal organising etc. Thanks to all the marshals for giving up their time,e specially those covering the middle of the night or remote slots. Thanks to the other loacl mwembers at some of the stops. Especially Bude and Pimperne were we were made to feel very welcome and of course the cakes at Pimperene were as usual brilliant. Thanks to Julia Lacey for providing the cookie bags at Geldrid, that was an unexpected pleasure :-) Thnaks to Danny Baker for letting us have a fuel can full of unleaded when we ran out of fuel on the A35, without that we would have been well behind and could have missed our cakes at Pimperne which would have been a disaster. Roll on 2016 which may well see a return of the log although I have a hankering for a sprint if I do get one it would need to be brown as the Flying Log "Number two" (if you pardon the Pun!)...
  24. Didn't even realise we were suppossed to niminate a car of the run before we left. Anyway, my vote goes for the Renown....
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