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Posts posted by PistonBroke

  1. Keith thanks for the update I will have to contact Jason. However this goes against what several officials posted in the run up to the entry for the RBRR being open. It advised that for people who had limited funds in the run up to Christmas that they only make a minimum entry of two people £250 and alter it nearer the time when they had funds available. In my case I was wanting to enter all 3 persons but after the web site crashed 3 times while I was trying to submit my entry which took over 20 minutes I decided to only enter two people as it was suggested on the forum that you could make amendments to car and crew online after your entry had been accepted. 

  2. Hi Just got back from holiday and have cracked my exhaust manifold on my 13/60 Herald. I think they are the same on Herald and Spitfire with the part number 308086. Would you please advise by return if you have a spare as the car is very noisy to drive and I will need a replacement for the MOT.

    Many Thanks

    A Mills

  3. Just wanted to thank Tim and his team of Organisers / Marshalls, the staff that fed us at the various stops, the people that made the bag of goodies given out at Gledrid Services, Chirk, the lovely ladies that made the Cakes at Pimperne Village Hall and all the teams that took part you all made this a truly amazing event.
    Le Bucket Mk1 Triumph 2000 Estate made it round OK just need a new exhaust Manifold as it Cracked in Half when we hit a large puddle of water between Carter Bar and Edinburgh Airport, resulting in a slight loss in power, a very irritating noise for the rest of the noise and fumes coming into the cab.

    If anyone has a spare MK1 manifold It would be gratefully received as I want to keep the Bucket on the road.

    Many Thanks A      

  4. I have several electrical problems with my Triumph 2000 mk1 any help / suggestions would be appreciated.

    1) Ignition warning light
    Goes on before starting car
    Is out when car starts and is running at low revs
    Comes on with revs higher than tick over

    2) Front Side Light Rear Lights And Number plate Lights do not work on first side light dash switch but headlights work find on second switch.
    I have checked the No1 fuse and it is ok

    3) Fuel and temperature gauges do not work.
    Temperature gauge reads high if you touch wire to negative side of battery.

    Any thoughts as to what I should do to fix these issues would be appreciated.


    A Mills

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