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Toledo brakes missing and stalling when stopping


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I recently acquired a 1972 Triumph Toldeo, about 60k on the clock. Early on the brakes kept missing, that is to say, I would apply the brakes, and nothing happens at all and then I pump the brake again and it applies as normal. There seems to be no logic to it - it'll miss, or apply normally or only apply if I press the brake nearly completely to the floor. I recently had the passenger side front brake cylinder replaced and the shoes realigned as the cylinder went causing the brakes to completely fail. This was replaced but the problem with the brake application is still happening. I would be grateful for any ideas!

Problem number two - it seems this car just doesn't like to stop!! When the car warms up and I bring it to a complete stop, say at a traffic light or a junction the car will stall, if feels very much like there is not enough fuel getting through to the engine when stationary. This is not the case when the engine is cold, even with the choke in as it doesn't seem to need the choke too much.

The car starts from cold no problem at all and runs really well - my problems seems to be actually stopping the ol'girl!

Finally, I have used a mechanic that I used when I had my Astra. They seemed a bit baffled when I took the Toledo in to get its brake cylinder done. They are lovely blokes but I think I need to find a mechanic a bit more geared up to Triumphs or classics in general. I live in Leytonstone in East London - any suggestions? I am learning some basic mechanics myself so that I can service the car myself but in the meantime and for big jobs, I wouldn't mind finding a new mechanic.

Many thanks for any help or suggestions.

Kindest regards


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If you don't mind a shortish Journey, there is Dale at Moordale Motors in Potters Bar and Picton Sports cars in Waltam Cross.

Both are familar with Triumphs.

There is also a Triumph specialist in the East End of London, but I know a number of people who have chosen not to use them.

As to your brake problem, I am assumingthat you have drum brakes on teh front, so it is an early Toledo.

It could be either a fault in the master cylinder, a seal is failing allowing the fluid back into teh resevoir initially when you press teh brake.

Or it might be a cylinder fault in one of teh wheel, perhaps not adjusted right.

Final thought is that it is a warped drum, this will push the cylinders back in too far, giving excessive travel at first depress of the pedal.

The stalling is probably just a need for a service and tuning properly. If it needs very little choke at the moment it is probably way too rich and is choking itself at the lights



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My 1972 Toledo also had front drums.  Brake problem sounds like a faulty master cylinder, especially if you are not losing brake fluid (wheel cylinders usually leak all over the brake shoes).  Obviously dangerous to drive in this condition.  Replacing internal rubber seals usually cures this (and kits readily available) provided master cylinder bore is not scored or worn.  Alternatively I have a complete new-old-stock master cylinder for this car if you need it, although it would still be best to replace the seals - send me a PM.  Not difficult jobs for a novice mechanic.
As for stalling, have you checked carburetor dashpot oil?  Also, try adjusting the air mixture at idle - knurled screw at bottom of carb - and/or speed up slow running until you can get it tuned properly.  


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