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Rising Damp - Wet Seats


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Im currently using the Spit in the snow and have noticed over the past 3 days that my trip to and from work I get a bit of a damp bum near the tear in my seat where the sponge is exposed.

Tonight I took out the seat to investigate and found a wet carpet, so up came the carpet to check the floor pan and that is completely sound, no holes or rust on either the inside or out.  So anyway, I was thinking, could it be that the water has travelled up the seat bolts?  Im hoping some rubber washers may help stop this?

The floor is only wet in this area and it doesnt seem to have ran from anywhere else

Hope someone can help with this

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It is unlikely to be coming up the seat bolts.  There are bolts in the way :-)

Bruce has already the mentioned the transmission tunnel - over the years the seal around the edge of the tunnel perishes or gets damaged, and some tunnel cover bolts might get lost during gearbox replacement, resulting a poor seal.  I have sealed my gearbox tunnel with duct tape to stop such leaks.

Another place where water may come in is at the bottom of the door - if the sills or A-post have been badly repaired in the past, there may be a gap at the bottom of the door that allows water in.

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Deffo not the wet back idea as I thought of this but never jumped in after a really heavy flurry

Thanks for the advise guys Ill get the carpet back up at the weekend and go crazy with the gaffer tape.

No real frights in the snow yet but its bound to happen Im sure

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firebobby wrote:
Is your hard/soft top sealing ok, just poss that snow may be blowing in through the gap.. if there is a gap :-/

That would be my guess too! I switched to my hardtop for the RBRR and the windows weren't quite as good a fit as the softop. The result was a wet floor exactly as described!

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I took the runners and carpet under the passenger seat on my own car this week, and found dark patches in the floor paint in exactly the same places - around the bolt holes. Will try take a pic later so you can see evidence of this.

If it can't come up through the seat bolts, perhaps what happens is it gets trapped under the runners? Hmm....  :-/

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ive been chasing leaks in my car for the last 2 years  ;D. be aware theres a channel that travels from the footwell to the floor under the seat, so water can get underneath the crossbeam in front of the seat. i was getting wet carpet under the seat (an actual puddle), but the water was running from the footwells where my screen frame was leaking. ive got to get out there and bung up 3 holes that some previous owner has drilled for some reason now. :-/

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Two prime areas :
comes in at top of screen ,runs down A post and into footwell(sometimes on to seat cushion)
if parked on an  incline (front pointing down) then water runs down the channel behind rear wing finisher and where top valance rises.Then water get behind B post finisher,into rear of floor pan and then runs forward to front foot/floorpan
Then as water builds up the seat sponge absorbs ...hey presto wet R`s

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