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Mk3 GT6 Restoration nearly complete


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I am now finally coming to the end of the restoration of my 1971 GT6 Mk3 RHD rotoflex model. I would really appreciate advice on the following problems please:
What is the correct ignition timing at idle? All my manuals have different specifications i.e. 7, 10 or 13 BTDC. I generally use 98 or 100 octane petrol.
What is the correct procedure when reinstalling all the side door and glass fittings? It was a long time ago that I took the door fittings apart that I am struggling to figure out what to install first. At what point are the top door seals fitted? I cannot get the glass and the quarter light in after I have installed these. Is there a correct method of doing this?
Any information/ideas greatly appreciated. Regards, Ken

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Any pics of said nearly complete mk3??

Timing - Will depend what you have done to the engine... Standard or up-rated 😎 etc.. I would set it at what the engine seems happy with and sounds right, then book a rolling road session and get it set proper - It does make a difference.

From memory, the outer glass weather seal and inner finisher are fitted last and with the glass wound down - There is a 'special tool' used to pull the clips up onto the door skin.... Basically a strip of steel about 1mm thick with one end bent almost 180 degrees (there is a diagram in the factory WM with the radius etc..) Or you can buy them off the interweb pretty cheaply too.

I stuck each clip with a bit of blu-tak so they didn't fall off while positioning along the trim - Make sure you get good quality seals.... They should have a slight rebate at clip positions.

HTHs a little.

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Quoted from xebec
I am now finally coming to the end of the restoration of my 1971 GT6 Mk3 RHD rotoflex model. I would really appreciate advice on the following problems please:
What is the correct ignition timing at idle? All my manuals have different specifications i.e. 7, 10 or 13 BTDC. I generally use 98 or 100 octane petrol.
What is the correct procedure when reinstalling all the side door and glass fittings? It was a long time ago that I took the door fittings apart that I am struggling to figure out what to install first. At what point are the top door seals fitted? I cannot get the glass and the quarter light in after I have installed these. Is there a correct method of doing this?
Any information/ideas greatly appreciated. Regards, Ken

Congratulations Ken on getting the job done. Any pictures?

The top door seals unfortunately have to go in after the glass. Now here follows a guide to removal and fitting of the glass taken from the TSSC site. This was so ably provided by my friend hypoid on the forum and I do hope he'll no mind the reproduction of it.

You need to remove the upper and lower stop brackets (red and orange), remember which goes where! Then wind down the window until the winder disconnects from the lower channel. You can do this now the stop brackets are removed. Then unbolt and remove the rear channel (green). You should now  remove the outer rubber strip and inner seal along the door top. The clips will fall into the door for retrieval later. This will now mean you have the space to remove the glass and lower glass bracket.

To remove the glass from the bracket, heat up the metal to soften the rubber insert and carefully prise away. Note dimension for refitting. i used Tiger bond as the rubber seals are impossible to refit without risk of breaking the new drop glass!

Best to renew the seals in the glass channels front and rear at this point.
Refitting is a reversal of the above.
Slacken off the regulator and runner bolts when fitted to adjust for fit and remember to refit the upper and lower stop brackets.

Take your time and you will make a good job of it.

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Hi All,
Thanks for the replies, appreciated. Here are a few pics that I have just made but they are not that good. I will take a few when I have it completely finished and then outside so it can be seen more clearly.
I have left the engine as standard as well as the rest apart from a Nick Jones CV conversion. The car is an original Saffron Yellow RHD and remains so.
I have the front and rear screens to insert and as already mentioned the door fixtures etc. The biggest problem that I can see with the doors is getting the outer door seal fitted on the outside of the quarterlight as I have noticed that the quarterlight cannot be fitted if the seal is already in place. This means I will have to try to suspend the quarterlight halfway in the door and then try to fit the seal. I have a tool to fit the clips by the way.
This was mainly the reason for asking the proper fitting procedure to follow as I assume I can maybe fit the sliding glass part before the quarterlight or do I have to fit the quarterlight first? Sorry for all the questions...Thanks & Regards, Ken

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Quoted from John Bonnett

I'll second that and isn't it nice that so many of our cars are being restored to an incredibly high standard?

I would guess that's due to the steep increase in costs that GT6's have commanded over recent years. I should have bought when I had the chance a few years ago - out of my funds range currently... I guess I could always sell a few others.

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Quoted from GTRoger

That's not far from where I am! Your GT6 does look really nice, you've done a great job on the restoration.

Thanks very much, just a few jobs left and then I have to make an appointment with the RDW. Hopefully that goes okay and I can get it on the road as soon as possible.

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Good luck with RDW! Is there a chassisnumber visible on the actual chassis? If not you have to arrange that as well with RDW. Mine is a UK car and only had the identificationplate on the body, which isn't enough to get a Dutch registration.

Once you've got it on the road, you should get in touch. We have our unofficial local Triumph group and organise some events during the year. Would be good to see another GT6!

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Quoted from GTRoger
Good luck with RDW! Is there a chassisnumber visible on the actual chassis? If not you have to arrange that as well with RDW. Mine is a UK car and only had the identificationplate on the body, which isn't enough to get a Dutch registration.

Once you've got it on the road, you should get in touch. We have our unofficial local Triumph group and organise some events during the year. Would be good to see another GT6!

Hi Roger,
I have the same problem as no chassisnumber visible at all as only appears  on the plate. I believe that seems to be the norm with UK cars. I will mention that when I make the appointment.  Local triumph group sounds good. Thanks for info.

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