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Help - Stuck on Front Shock Fitment

Nick Jackson (2)

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I'm fitting my front suspension to the GT6 today and I'm stuck on the fitment of my front shock's (Koni Classics).  The exact items are like these from Rimmers:-


The problem is that there's no where for my springs to locate to at the bottom of the shock's.  I have a spare pair of front GAZ shock's and they have a plate welded into them for the bottom of the spring to locate onto.   I've checked the Rimmers website and they definitely say the GSA366KONI items are suitable for the GT6.

What am I missing?


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But the koni's are a much better bit of kit ;)

Are you missing the spring seats and retaining rings (showed in the rimmers pic)
Or did you "acquire" them? ebay seems top throw up lots of stuff with missing bits, which are invariably tricky to get hold of.

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They were bought new from Rimmers quite a few years ago (usual optimism on speed of restoration) and I have everything shown in the Rimmers photo.

The largest seats with 3 holes in them are the top spring seats.  

I have the 2 medium sized chrome rings but a) don't know exactly where they go and how they fit. Excuse my ignorance but in my defence the instructions are rubbish for a newbie. I can't see how these could act as bottom spring seats though.

I also have the 6 chrome items that I assume are used with the rubber bushes.  

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I don't think the chrome pieces are top plates I think they combine with the collar to form the bottom plate.

My guess would be you need to extend the shock as far as possible to expose the internal rod, you will probably have to pull really hard to extend it far enough. The C shaper collar then goes over the thin internal rod and down onto the rib on the body of the shock absorber.

Once this is in place the other larger ring goes over the top of the shock absorber and mates with the C shaped collar to form the spring seat.

You will need to reuse your existing top plate or purchase new ones.


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Well, well, good old Rimmers, so knowledgable and helpful about Triumph parts.
The words &rs* and *lb%w spring to mind.
These will never fit.   The kit is a complete Dogs breakfast for a Triumph.
I think they have a website glitch as the follwoing IS correct and carries the same part number

I would send the shockers back, refer Rimmers to their own copies of the Triumph front suspension diagram and the lower spring collar that is an integral part of suitable shocks.   Demand your money back as the goods are "unfit for purpose".  But if you bought them that long ago, I fear you are stuck.   Take advice as above, and recoup as much as possible on ebay.


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As mentioned above, the chrome spring seats with 3 holes in them are at the bottom. To assemble:
1) Extend damper to full length
2) Slide bottom spring seat up shock from bottom (it doesn't fit over the dust shield at the top)
3) Locate 'C' ring over damper rod and slide down damper to retaining ring embedded in the lower damper body
4) Slide bottom spring seat down onto "C" ring
5) Put spring on from the top, followed by top spring seat, which has 3 threads protruding out of the top of it to secure it to chassis
6) Compressor spring with spring seats on both ends until you can put the bushes on the top of the damper rod to secure it all

Hopefully these pics will help...

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Really, Jeff?   What stops the C-rings spreading and the 'spring seat' falling down the shocker body?  If there was a recess in the 'spring body' to take the ring, then maybe, but there is none.
And why has the lower 'spring seat' got three holes in it, that look as if they are to go over the turret mounted upper seat, as a bit of bling?
And why have Rimmers given the same part number to two items?


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Yes, my Koni's are part number 80-1388.   Thanks for the fitting instructions, as there's no way I'd have worked that out from the tiny scraps of paper that pass for instructions.  

I agree with JohnD though that it's not a great solution compared to a beefy plate to seat the bottom of the spring against.

I'll have a play with them and see how I get on.


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Yes, the collar has a reccess on its upper face, so the spring pan sits on top of and around it to stop any spreading. Once I'd worked out how to assembly it, I thought it was quite a neat solution. No idea why there are three holes in the spring pan,  maybe let's any water out as the edge of the pan is flared up into a cup shape?

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