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Front shock/spring 'primer' needed..

Ben Hutchings

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Evening All. I've just taken my old springs off my shocks. I really liked the handling, height and feel of the car, and have no real reason to change the set-up bar the fact that the springs are really crappy and rusty, and the shocks are even worse!

So... hang on, leeme think about what I'm actually asking here. *thinks* Ok, yes, how do I know which 'weight' springs I have if I want to replace them, and if I want to upgrade the Spax to Konis (or actually I kinda like the GAZ fully adjustables too) what do I need to make sure of so as not to change the feel of the car?

There.. I think that makes some sort of sense. Thanks!

(P.s - Anyone had springs powder-coated before? I hear that if you keep temp under 350C its all good, thoughts?)

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