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New AVO Shocks - Look Wrong - help!


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It is years since I changed a pair of shocks on a Triumph so I might be wrong but I just got my new AVO shocks today (PB796) and the base looks too thin, a lot too thin!

Am I missing something or do I need to speak with AVO? These have the spherical bearing option instead of a bush but I would hope they still supplied the correct body!


(That is a £1 coin for scale)

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***EDIT**** I've just re-read your post and see you have the spherical option, not the bush option - my drivel below is only of use to those having the a narrow bush (if you'll pardon the expression).

I have these AVOs on my MkIII Spit. They have the narrow bush housing like yours, but were supplied by AVO with a red polybush that is the correct width to fit the gap in the wishbone. The bush is like a double mushroom in shape and fits okay, but there is a downside. The actual bearing surface (if that's the right term) is only about 1/2" wide, and so the bush wears very quickly. The older AVOs had a full width bush housing and therefore had much more surface area in contact with the bush, which subsequently lasted much longer. Many people have moaned at AVO on this apparent retrograde design cock-up.

I'd suggest you contact your supplier, or AVO direct, and ask for the correct bushes that go with them. If you need pics to explain further, let me know.

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JohnD wrote:

Just as an example - don't know if they are the right size.


Thanks for the FleaBay link John, that is exactly the sort of thing, I will check what size I need and get some.


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