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Heres my cars current condition. Its got to the nice stage of 'clean' assembly.
All is okay except for the anti-roll bar. Seems you need to be Geoff Capes to fit. I attached the ends first thinking the bar would then lift up to the chassis, but oh no. Is it best to attach first the chassis then the links ends?

Similarly the rear trailing arms seem a good way away from the chassis. They did have 4 shims in each side offering an extra inch gap, but the gap now is huge! Is it a case of not aligned and a couple of very, very long bolts will pull the rear suspension all back true?

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I think if you bolt the ARB to the chassis, and then try to assemble it to the wishbones, the reason why will become apparent.  I suspect that with suspension in full droop, the wishbone/ARB brackets are brought inwards, so that you are trying to bend the ARB like a bow.  Jack the front suspension up on both sides and find a position where the ARB will join up easily.
Have you checked that the ARB is not bent?  Should lie flat on the floor, without one end cocked up.

The "rear trailing arms" (aka radius arms - a trailing arm suspension has vastly stronger equivalent members, often used to carry coil springs) locate the rear wheels for toe in/out.    Otherwise the location is determined by the precise position of the diff and the spring on the diff, which being central have an exaggerated effect out at the upright.  Again, jacking up the upright may help to get it into position for assembly to the radius arm.


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Thanks for all the help with the ARB. Its now in place and I have a rolling chassis  :)

Rear struts to do - must get new shims as bodyshop lost the others - and engine being reinstated to the chassis on Friday!
Incredibly light to push around minus engine and no brakes fitted.

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Thanks for the feedback!
It's remarkable how often people get advice and don't tell us what the outcome is.
Feedback helps, as it tells you if you are talking pearls or bullshit.
In the second place, you won't do it again, in the first you can relax with a self-satisfied smile.

Did it go together as I suggested?
(Smile in readiness, also bull)


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Hi John

I found your suggestions most helpful in both their clear and concise points, offering a series of guides and assistance enabling me to try several methods as indicated. Your reference, in particular, to a 'bow' was very true and seemed to be an accurate and poignant terminology. Your attention to detail should be commended ensuring the ARB was not bent, especially true as I had had a few childish temper tantrums and bounced the said bar off the floor on the odd occasion in a hissy-fit (or in the early case non-fit).

There were also some PM's that told me to hit it with a hammer and that helped too  ;)

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