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Herald Adjustable steering colom


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Just looking on youtube and found this intresting video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTPlWsNDY1M. It mentions about an adjustable steering wheel colom and i was wondering what do you have to undo to move the streering colom like it shows in the video or is that only on the very early models?

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1612 wrote:
Thanks for the hint herald948. Having a look in my workshop manual it show to just loosen the 2 top column clamps and it should slide. That video quite interesting though.

You also need to loosen the other two near the pedals that clamp the two halves of the steering column together - it's sort of telescopic. don't forget to tighten all 4 once you have positioned it where you want it.

You will find you can alter the relative position of the steering wheel and the stalks etc. too - handy.


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CharlieB wrote:

Can you explain this, I don't see how it can be true?

I will try:

If you only slacken the two nuts on the "U" bolt at the top of the column, the column with the stalks will move in and out, leaving the steering wheel static. The steering wheel needs to be far enough from the dash to allow this to happen.


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