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My Herald  1200 con has just passed its MOT with no comments.
However there is a fair bit of lateral play on my steering wheel together with annoying squeaks when driving.
I also have end play ie when you grab the wheel you can move it up and down about 2/3mm.
Its not clear where the squeaks are coming from but I would like to change these bushes anyway as they are obviously worn.
Has anyone changed these and are they still available. Parts 55,56 and 57 on the diagram.
Any help would be appreciated

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The bushes are available as a 3-piece assembly, though I'm not impressed by the quality of what's being made.
With the central column removed, push the old bush down into the outer column, then push the new bush in on top.


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The support bracket is firmly attached.
I expect that the nylon bush is a press fit, in the steel bush and the steel in the rubber bush also.
The car had previously been off the road for some time and I am wondering if the shaft has seized to the nylon bush resulting in the whole assembly rotating within the rubber bush and hence the squeak.
It will be interesting when I come to dismantle the unit. I have ordered the new bushes as they are clearly worn indicated by the lateral play in the steering wheel.

Cheers Ian

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Well the new bushes arrived today from Rimmers. As Bill said they were not brilliant, mainly from the manufacturing process. There was excess material round the edges but this was easily removed.
The original bushes were separate so it was therefore easy to winkle the three out one at a time from the top.
I was only replacing the top set as the bottom was within tolerances. This saved me having to detach the upper outer column. All I had to do was undo the clamp securing the upper inner column to the lower inner column then withdraw the upper column.
The new bushes were fixed together so it was an easy matter to slide this down into position assisted by a suitable lubricant.
Job done ,nice firm steering wheel and goodbye squeak.

Cheers Ian

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