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Steering column bushes very tight on column shaft.


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I know there is a similar thread on here concerning these...my question was, I have fitted mine to the column sleeve, but found them very tight when pushing the sleeve onto the steering column, gave it a few hits with a mallet and ended up with the bottom bush stripping it's locating lugs and moving higher up the sleeve and with the top one the nylon insert has come away from the rest of the bush and is stuck fast on the column itself.....both bushes now need replacing and will have to start again.

I did lub the bushes before trying to fit, but they do seem very tight...? Any advice on this one?  Thanks

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I used some silicone grease..maybe soaping be better...?
Let me know how you go Richard.....I've just had some more delivered, but still need to remove the nylon sleeve that's stuck on the column with my dremel....
Am going to see how stiff they are on the column before putting them in the outer sleeve....maybe take some nylon down before fitting... Will measure with ny calipers too.

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I've just got a bit of lateral play/movement in the steering wheel which rubs when turning making a 'rubbing' noise.

Yes you probably need new bushes but you can do away with the 'rubbing' by adjusting the inner column to raise the wheel clear of the cowl.


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TR7th_Heaven wrote:
Oh Dear,
So I'm going to struggle a bit tomorrow then?
Any tips on fitting?
I've just got a bit of lateral play/movement in the steering wheel which rubs when turning making a 'rubbing' noise. I was hoping a new bush would take care of that.
Richard  ;)

don't remove the old bushes.  push them up the column and then put the new ones in the correct location.  I changed mine for the 10cr last year.  HORRIBLE JOB!!

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339 wrote:

don't remove the old bushes.  push them up the column and then put the new ones in the correct location.  I changed mine for the 10cr last year.  HORRIBLE JOB!!

Removing was the easy bit...putting new ones in is what I'm struggling with......

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I got mine from Fitchetts at Telford on Saturday the guy there said they all come from the same source.

I had the opposite experience Baxxxrd to get old ones out (I resorted to melting them with a Hot Gun in the end) but the new ones went in fairly easy I used a little Fairy Liquid on the first inch of the inside of the Column at each end. The hardest part was making sure the tabs on the rubber aligned with the holes in the tube as I pushed them in.

I do not think it is a good idea to start taking any of the Nylon away as this will probably make them to loose which may result in an M.O.T. failure depending on how sympathetic your Tester is to 40 year old technology.

I have attached a couple of photo's of the column during and after refurb.    

3398 wrote:
I know there is a similar thread on here concerning these...my question was, I have fitted mine to the column sleeve, but found them very tight when pushing the sleeve onto the steering column, gave it a few hits with a mallet and ended up with the bottom bush stripping it's locating lugs and moving higher up the sleeve and with the top one the nylon insert has come away from the rest of the bush and is stuck fast on the column itself.....both bushes now need replacing and will have to start again.

I did lub the bushes before trying to fit, but they do seem very tight...? Any advice on this one?  Thanks

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Wow, nice job....I just sprayed mine...didn't have the time to get them powder coated.
Yes, getting them out wasn't too bad..just had a long piece of square brass rod and tapped them out. New ones went in ok too....just no good when putting on the column itself......not sure how I'm going to tackle second time around.....

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Thanks for the tips fellas.
It's not the slight lateral play I'm worried about, more the annoying rubbing when I turn a corner. So if it's as difficult as suggested, perhaps I should just follow Casper's advice and adjust the wheel so it's away from the cowl? It'd only need to moved a tiny bit.
I didn't get around to it today (lots of other jobs in progress) so will try again at the weekend.

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No Powder Coating here in fact the paint I used was £1.00 a can from my local cheapo shop I don't know what it is but it goes on well does not run easily and as you can see the shine is superb. In addition while I was painting a couple of bits and pieces I used a NEW plated bolt that I had in the garage to hang the items on while I was spraying them and afterwards I found it very difficult to get the paint off the bolt as it sticks like sh....t to a blanket not like Halfords stuff which a good gust of wind will remove.

3398 wrote:
Wow, nice job....I just sprayed mine...didn't have the time to get them powder coated.
Yes, getting them out wasn't too bad..just had a long piece of square brass rod and tapped them out. New ones went in ok too....just no good when putting on the column itself......not sure how I'm going to tackle second time around.....

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2580 wrote:
not like Halfords stuff which a good gust of wind will remove.

Strange you should say that. I often use Halfords aerosols for sealing patterns when making parts - it's often easier than having to clean the airbrush every time. I've found them to be exceptionally tough with very good adhesion,


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Well Bill I used to think so as well in fact I used to be of the opinion that Halfords paint was "good stuff but a bit pricey" however I recently purchased a couple of cans of gloss black and was very disappointed it was like water and the nice gloss finish that was there after the final coat had all but disappeared the following day.


heraldcoupe wrote:

Strange you should say that. I often use Halfords aerosols for sealing patterns when making parts - it's often easier than having to clean the airbrush every time. I've found them to be exceptionally tough with very good adhesion,


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Ok, so I removed both the upper and lower steering column today. Thought I'd see how each individual bush fits on the upper column before I fit them in the outer sleeve.  One was tight, but after a bit of tooing and froing it now goes on ok, although a bit of twisting motion is required to get it on as it is a good fit. the second one however went on very easily(possibly too easily) not a tight fit, if anything a slight loose fit.......wondering if this is going to be ok? Otherwise, I'll send it back and ask for a replacement.

Either way, I am now happier about fitting these, as it is probably best to individually try and fit them before finally fitting both at once, when on outer sleeve. I went for a dry fit too, no silicone grease, think this may have gunked it up before...but maybe washing up liquid may help?

Also seems a lot easier to fit with the upper column out of the car.

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I did this job with ALL the parts of the steering column OFF the car. I smeared a little bit of Fairy Liquid on the inside of the Alloy outer column (about an inch each end) this made the job of pushing them in quite easy.

With regard to the fit of the new bushes on the inner column I would say that they should be the same unless you have wear on the semi solid inner column component at one end and not the other.

I May be wrong but that is my thoughts on the subject.

3398 wrote:
Ok, so I removed both the upper and lower steering column today. Thought I'd see how each individual bush fits on the upper column before I fit them in the outer sleeve.  One was tight, but after a bit of tooing and froing it now goes on ok, although a bit of twisting motion is required to get it on as it is a good fit. the second one however went on very easily(possibly too easily) not a tight fit, if anything a slight loose fit.......wondering if this is going to be ok? Otherwise, I'll send it back and ask for a replacement.

Either way, I am now happier about fitting these, as it is probably best to individually try and fit them before finally fitting both at once, when on outer sleeve. I went for a dry fit too, no silicone grease, think this may have gunked it up before...but maybe washing up liquid may help?

Also seems a lot easier to fit with the upper column out of the car.

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2580 wrote:
I did this job with ALL the parts of the steering column OFF the car. I smeared a little bit of Fairy Liquid on the inside of the Alloy outer column (about an inch each end) this made the job of pushing them in quite easy.

With regard to the fit of the new bushes on the inner column I would say that they should be the same unless you have wear on the semi solid inner column component at one end and not the other.

I May be wrong but that is my thoughts on the subject.

Mmmmm, One bush is a good fit all the way up, the other is slightly loose all the way......have a feeling I'm gonna have to send another one back for not being right......bah!

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Where are you getting these from as it sounds like they have a batch of some GOOD some BAD.

3398 wrote:

Mmmmm, One bush is a good fit all the way up, the other is slightly loose all the way......have a feeling I'm gonna have to send another one back for not being right......bah!

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Well lets hope third time lucky it is frustrating when new parts are not up to scratch and start to turn a simple job into a nightmare.

Good luck.

3398 wrote:
James Paddocks. Apparently there is only one manufacturer.... I've already sent one back because the nylon insert was offset and cracked, due to it being thinner on oneside than the other....

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