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Steering wheel doesn't self center one side

MR 1200

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I've just renewed the RH side track rod end on a 1200 counting the number of threads to ensure the new TRE went back the same way the old one was removed. After driving the car the steering wheel doesn't self center turning the wheel to the left whilst driving round a bend etc unlike the opposite side, which does self center.

The lower trunnions are fine and have no play in them, are filled with gear oil and the tyres are pumped up to the correct pressures. Anyone point me in the right direction as to the route of the problem?


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Did the steering self centre ok before?

If it did, it could be the new Track Rod end is a slightly different length to the old one?

Measure from the centre of the ball joint part to the end of the threaded section on both Track Rod Ends and see if they are the same ;)?



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cant write all this again so link to the tssc forum


you have an obvious toe in/toe out problem,  you dont need anything overy special to get to the basics
have a read of this article and you will soon get it sorted,


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