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Spitfire 1500 steering column covers


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uksnatcher wrote:
I am trying to locate some late Spitfire 1500 steering column top and bottom switch covers for my car.

Anybody assist pm or respond here....not fussy...cheers gaz

Me too, but for early 1500!!!
Sorry to 'but-in'.

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Didnt know there was a difference between early and late? Mine might be early type


Ahh, early type fit all spitfires upto late 1500 i see, http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/Item--i-GRID005945

not the ones i need then, anybody have a spare later one...pleeeez  ;) :P

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Sorry - I no have spares.  :-/
When you get them though, take a few mins to use a drill bit on the female side of them so that when trying to screw them together less swearing ensues as those long ugly screws locate more easily. I promise you it's very worthwhile.

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Cheers chaps, i belive they were fitted to 1977-80 vehicles Mike.

Doug, the enlarged one will be fine if you find it, i will be modifying it similarly anyway, will drop the graveyard an email too, the one in the pic looks like its got one fitted, is that in the graveyard?.

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Doug_P wrote:

They changed at T-reg (maybe late S reg)

It's a bit earlier than T reg.  
I have an S-reg car (built late 1977) and it has the later TR7-style switchgear.  It was the introduction of this switchgear (harmosing the look and feel across the range) that necessitated the introduction of the later type of steering cowel.

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OK - I have the bottom half only in the garage.

Looks like the top half has been discarded in a clear out at some point.  

Gaz you're welcome to it (Pic shows the enlarged bit round the steering column) but I dare say it's worth waiting to see if a complete one pop's up.

I'll file it for now in case it's of any use  :)

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Thanks Mike, i think i may be sorted now.

Heres the story why i needed one, i was having an ' i fancy a new steering wheel' moment so purchased a lovely black and chrome MOMO wheel, sourced a boss with correct splines off an 83 Mini i belive...the wheel and boss came to about 45 quid...happy days so far..... set about fitting it. Unfortunatly the boss/wheel left me with no arm movement and i was far too close for comfort.
The cowls then wont fit as the boss doesnt sit 'inside' the cowl and the only option i had was to drop the steering column 3" or so...now the top cowl wont fit the other end as its hitting the dash, so a temp crude cowl was made from a rubber sheet.

I wanted to keep the original steering wheel and cowl as i wasnt sure if the MOMO was to my liking, so hence asking the forum members for assistance to modify a spare cowl.

Dave at the graveyard suggested a TR7 cowl as its identical just shorter.... and he had one on the shelf so ordered it and looks promising, i will have to trim the 'bell end' off  :X and possibly lift the column a touch.

Spitfire top cowl is a tad short of 7" long and the TR7 is 4.3"

TR7 top - Spitfire bottom

I will post some pics when its done to see what people think.

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Very interesting! Don't think I've ever seen anyone compare the two side by side before.

Will post this as an alternate solution to the writeup I did on this boss issue on my site - http://triumphspitfire.rickbaines.com/changing-steering-wheels-on-a-1977-78-spitfire/

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Heres the problem with the column dropped a few inches, original cowls nowere near and the electrics against the dash.

Tempory rubber cover made...yuk..!

With the MOMO boss and the dash in mind i set about the TR7 cowls with a dremmel cutting the front top and bottom and the rear end of the bottom cowl:

After some 'fine tuning' heres the end result:

Quite happy with the end result, what do you all think of the MOMO wheel chaps?

Its growing on me.... ;)

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