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Vertical play in steering rack.


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Hi, having noticed there is very slight play on just one side of my steering rack I did an investigation to track down the problem.

I expected it to be the track rod end or the track control arm but it isn't it is play in the rack to the housing on the near side. The off side with a shorter distance from the pinion is fine, but the long rod to the near side has slack between the housing and the rack.

My question is. Is there a bush in there that can be replaced as it looks like the rack runs in just the housing which would mean a new rack.

There is no slack at all at the pinion so shims here are not going to help.

Many thanks for any guidance, I am happy to recondition the rack but can't find any reference to a bush from any of the parts suppliers and don't want to spend time and money on it if it is a lost cause.


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the moss shows a LHD rack it also shows the little nylon anti rattle plunger on the wrong side

to remove the bush , slit with carefull use of a padsaw ( hacksaw blade)  new bush should be a tap fit

check bush on rack before fitting just in case it needs reaming to size,, you dont want to do a load of work and find the racks now tight .

never done one but its got to be a possible .


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