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Hi guys I was wondering if anyone cold recommend the best place to buy a steering wheel boss for my '78 spit, I've been bought a truly gorgeous wood rimmed wheel for Xmas, sadly the boss on it is a splined one where as my rack has the square locating lug and the threaded spline.

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^ that post might be of use to you.

I had the same steering wheel with the square locating lug. You need to remove that original alloy boss to see the splines, but once you do then you will face problems with getting the new Moto-lita boss to go on due to the narrow opening of the column surround. The solution is to carefully dremel away part of the column shroud.

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well had another look today and managed to pop the square nugget bit off which exposed the splines, go the new wheel on and the shroud fits no problem. On closer inspection though I think I'm going to need to put some spacers at the back of the wheel as if I push against the wheel it pushes back on the column.

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Slidey bit down by your pedals. Don't under the large nuts with grub screws.
Lower column joint by the steering rack under the bonnet.

If it's the same as a Herald.

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