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mike kimmens

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I have a problem with the power steering on my 1967 MK1 2000. When driving the car after about 4 miles the steering stiffens up in the straight ahead position. By this I mean if you turn the steering a small amount more effort is required but if you turn to go round a corner no problem. I have left the car running for half an hour before driving it so the pas oil is hot but same problem OK at first then starts to tighten. I've drain the oil which was still bright/clean red. Any suggestions appreciated.

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What fluid did you refill it with? (or have you not got that far?)  It could possibly be the UJs tightening up.

I shall be keeping an eye on this thread as I have near enough the same issue with my modern.  It happened shortly after the power steering pump was changed and the auxiliary belt was renewed.  ATM I am guessing on either the wrong fluid being used or the wrong belt.

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I used ATF-Q / Dextron II because I already had it. The problem with my steering was the uj's in particular the top one. Because it isn't possible on my car to remove the shaft with the uj's on without removing the steering rack or column I just lubricated the uj's with diesel using a syringe. I've been doing it every day this week and at first rusty oil was coming out of the top one but that has now stopped.

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Richard, not mine it has 2 metal UJ's. My car has more peculiarities: appears it had vents cut into the inner wings, the bonnet has been modified on the underside to increase cooling, chassis has been modified to allow clearance for possible V8 exhausts, the battery is in the boot. I wonder if at some stage in the last 45 years have a V8 fitted, unfortunately no history came with car

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