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Rear bearing O/D


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A few weeks  back when the tunnel was out i could hear the rear bearing of the gearbox / OD.
Even now with everything in place when the radio is off and you put load on it you can hear it .
Now can you replace that yourself ?

Oil seal has been changed more then a year ago, but leaking again (triumph rust protection i guess  :P ).
Also seen that they sell the bearing at paddocks for 8,50£, but quality is unknown ..

So does anyone know what bearing from another brand (skf or other ) should fit.
If i got a number i can always ask someone we know that works in a shop/dealer of bearings.

Don't want to spend much on it because, i guess i will need to drain some oil first ?
And as the overdrives sometimes doesn't work well in the summer , can be that i need a whole replacement O/D in the near future.  :-/

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6797 wrote:
Hi Wim,
I think it's a SKF 6206 (30/62/16mm), but not 100% sure at the moment - AKA 465515 AKA SPG75G
Maybe have a quick google and see if you can confirm?
(Quality branded ones over here = about ukp 5)

Ok, thanks Sam.
Will have a look !

But the big question is .. can it be changed easy ...  :o

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6797 wrote:
I'd be betting that changing that bearing is a job with the OD off and out on the bench. Can't see how you'd get it out without removing the rear OD casing from the OD.

Thought that also  :-/
Otherwise i need to wait until the summer to see if the overdrive works good with new oil, and hoping the bearing holds another few 1000 km's ..
but maybe better to spend 350 euro for a new overdrive from O/D spares  :-/

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