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differential question


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Sam_Russell wrote:
Even if it is on the trike, I got it round the wrong way, the the wheel has to turn 20 times, if the other wheel is held still.  It will still work, just needs more distance.

Hmmm... dont think any distance if one wheel locked up! usually jack one wheel in the air and turn!

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Hi all,

Did the the 20 turns on the output [ wheels ], input turns were 72.6 as close as I could make out, divide by 10 = 36.3 ,

then did 1 turn on the outers , and get just shy of 3.5 turns of the input flange???seems to be a slight discrepancy there??

as cliftyhangers suggestion that a 3.63 diff would be best, it looks as though that's what I have. but I don't feel that I am getting the speed at top end that I should, I get 80mph with a following wind on the flat. At this point I am stuffed as to consider doing.

I would however like to thank one and all for your time and advice.

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That just sounds wrong. assuming it is a straight through gearbox in top  gear(1:1) then the engine is only spinning at about 4000rpm.
What engine is it? surely not a bike engine? What do you expect it to rev to? I am fascinated now, I thought you were talking of 130+mph speeds!

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I did say it was a motorcycle trike, The engine is a Honda 500 shaft drive, once known as the only dispatch riders bike to have, as the engine was nigh on Bomb Proof. If I am required to give a rev count at speed?? then I am going to have to take it out and run it on the motorway, as I can't recall what it was offhand,

as a bike it would have been capable of 130+....as a trike it should be capable of at least a ton.
the weight is 390kg, just under 8cwt, the wheels on the original back end were 16'' I am now running 15''.was running standard 13'' that came with the diff and drive shafts.the increase in wheel size gives marginal improvement only.
Ok I have just been back out to give it a good kicking, and have noticed that the output flanges are square, the flanges to attach to them are round?  i am not assuming that this means anything important. But I am getting the feeling that this may be a hybrid beast????, with with no definitive solution, other than rip the whole damn thing out, and fit something with a solid axle and a known diff.

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Just intrigued as to whats restricting the top speed. If it is out of revs then yes, change the gearing or whatever. If its not out of revs then it is down to lack of power for the air resistance. Weight won't make any real difference to top speed, its down the drag (or rather lack of it!)
As I said at 80 that is about 4000rpm. Seems low for a bike.
Of course I also assume the speedo is calibrated? or at least checked against a known car/bike?
Sorry if I am appearing stupid!

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If anyone is appearing stupid it's me,

the speedo has been checked, and is fine to within 2 mph, My son is in the process of trying to get some info from a guy who builds race engines for a living,and will be doing the boys 1200 bandit to race spec for him. so from the engine point of view, that's on the back burner,

From my end, I wanted to find out what diff I had . And see what could be done to beef it up , if anything. Hence my wondering if I should now just scrap the Spit, and go for something else?


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CharlieB wrote:
Does it go faster in the lower gears?

I could just about lift it and do a wheelie, [ but as i am a retired old fart, i no longer have the inclination to try and be clever ],
so yes it has plenty of pull in the lower gears,
it just seems that I should be getting better performance in 4th to 5th given the energy expended from the engine.
I am not a mechanic or an engineer, but I can build pretty much anything I put my mind to, but I have a limited understanding of gearing and ratios, [ math was never a favorite subject of mine ].
hence my total bafflement in this matter. Thats why I am thinking of scraping the spit rear end , and going for something else. A lot of work, but less of a headache, and more grunt at the end of the day.

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hmm,yes it will go a little faster in top, what bothers me is the increase in revs does not seem to tally with with whats happening at the wheels, ie more revs for little increase in speed??? I hope you understand what i am trying to get across??

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