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Diff output shafts


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Hi everyone. Just wondered if any of you have had experience with differential output shafts. I have a spit mkiii and stripped the diff down to replace the oil seals. Replaced the input pinion seal but are having a few problems with the output shafts! Tried normal pullers to pull the bearing off the shaft and it just bent the flange. After straightening it I built a rather beautiful creation out of a pipe and a bit of plough shear which pulls on all four bolt holes on the seal flange. However this still did not shift the bearing and bent the flanges slightly again! At a bit of a wits end here. Please help. Andy

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I managed to get mine off with a puller making sure the "ears" of the puller were as close to the shaft as possible ie. not on the wide part of the flange where the holes are, but they were BLOODY TIGHT. I thought I was going to break the puller! Unfortunately the whole effort was wasted as the "good" diff whines almost as loud as the old one :(

If all else fails take them to an engineering shop who should have a proper bearing puller.

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As far as I know this is a similar design to the big saloons, I'm looking at doing the Spit soon too - and I ended up at an engineers/msithies - they pressed em out and pressed in the new ones for me - total of £20. Well worth saving the hassle.

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