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Brake master cylinder, 13/60 vs Vitesse 6


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hi guys

I have a Vitesse 6 fitted with a 13/60 brake master cylinder. After adjusting rear drum brakes I still find the pedal travel to long.
Now I suspect the 13/60 master cylinder to have a smaller bore resulting in extended pedal travel.
According to original spare parts catalogues the mastr cylinders are indeed different.
Now, looking in Canleys online catalogue the master cylinders are identical. The latter might indicate that the cylinders originally have the same bore but for some reason otherwise different meas[face=Sans-Serif][/face]ures.
Any comments most welcome.

thanks, Flemming

PS: if it's not the master cylinder bore then I might have to investigate rear wheel cylinders.

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did you disconnect the handbrake before locking up the rear adjusters ??  any tension holds the shoes open and the adjuster is not doing its job,

you should lock the adjuster up hard, then reconnect the Hb cable to suit,
  dont forget that with the wheels hanging you get a false  cable length,it goes tight when you drop down to ground,  if you jack try to get the suspension sitting at a running height .

other lost travel can be to much free play in the front hub bearings , that allows the disc to push the pads back.

did you follow up the lead to your strom  /solex adaptors   ??    Pete

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