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wheel bearing again !


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having adjusted the bearing to what i think is correct it would seem something is wrong
the holes for the split pin are no where near the castle nut, both sides are the same
everthing is lined up fine the disc and caliper and the hubs turn as they should
new uprights
new stub axel
new bearings
i got sent the wrong castle nut so i have had to use the old ones
can i put a washer behind the castle nut to space it out ?
the near-side

off side

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never tight, just a light fingers nip then back off 1 to 2 flats to get the end float,

but that amount of stub showing make me think you have the wrong bearings or wrong stub axle

even a thicker D washer wont solve that ....somethings wrong  are you  sure its not got a vitesse stub fitted ???? or a drum/disc stub mix up ???


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i have done this,will it be ok for now ? i use the car to go to work in so i need to use it
i will ring the place i got it from on tuesday and see what happens
i could re-drill the holes, but i dont think i should have to, but either way its another srtip down next weekend
not a happy bunney  :(

this is the old one
the old one has a tappered end,the new one does not but the new one is threaded all the way to the end so they are both the same lengh execpt the new one has a longer thread and the holes are further out ,if that makes sence
hence my problem(and soon to be others)

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think thats quite sound,  the hole may be nearer the end than designed but the pin is the weak link, and if the bearing fails and siezes to the D washer the d washer should stop any rotation ,before it grabs hold of the nut and shears the s/pin
so something pretty catestropic has to occur to get any where near that sort of disaster..  my view is that will last for years .
lets face it in the 70s many floating hubs were held on with a nyloc nut  its the D washer thats the safety belt.
all bearings should rotate on the stub ,you can see the effect of that spinning on the back of the d washer ..a good polish mark. is evident.
so providing you have got some end float   ...sleep well and go fix the white beast  

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