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Vitesse front suspension


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Hi all
Things are just going from bad to worse! I managed to get the bonnet back onto the chassis after having new inner wings fitted only to find that I have a gap of approx. 4 - 5" between the top of the front tyre and the wheel arch lip! As the car was bought as an abandoned project this is the first time that the bonnet has been back on.
I have replaced the front suspension with new springs and shock absorbers last year but have heard that there are some dodgy shockers out on the market. These are KYB which were recommended to me but I cannot compare them with the old ones as they were none on the car when bought.
Also I have noticed that the engine seems to sit lower at the back (nearest bulkhead)
Is this normal or are am I going slightly paranoid?????
Any comments, advice etc. etc. will be much appreciated. Cheers Nev

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Hi Nev
Have you driven or moved the car with the bonnet on. I am trying to find out if the suspension has had a chance to settle.
Did you tighten the suspension when the car is on the ground with weight on it or with the wheels off the ground. The former is always advised.
Are the shut lines at the bonnet, bulkhead and doors looking nice and even?
Sorry no idea on fitted spring length.

Good luck

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