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Front suspension rebuild


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I am rebuilding my front suspension but have come into a few issues.

Basically I bought a suspension bolt kit from paddocks a while back and have only opened it now. What I have noticed however is there doesn't seem to be enough bolts for all the different parts. Has anyone ever purchased this kit in the past and found it doesn't have the correct bolts for all the areas? I presume it's supposed to cover the wishbone mounts, lower shock and trunnion bolts, upper bolts for shock, Balljoint nut and bolts. What else should it cover if anything?

I was also having problems with the balljoint into the vertical link as when I tried tightening the nut it just span? Do i need the wheel on and some "weight" in order to allow it to stay in place? Wim recommended hitting it in with a mallet?


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junkuser wrote:
For the ball-joint, use a plain nut to pull it in and seat. Then fit the correct nut.

+1. Worked like a charm for me.

As for the bolts, not sure what you have available in your area, but I use an industrial nut and bolt supply for my needs. They have all the correct threads, even grade 8 if desired. I can buy 1 or many. Most box stores or other hardware stores, at least in the states, don't carry the correct threads, and if they do you have to buy in multiples of 5. Sometimes I even go in there and get one or two bolts and they just give em to me.

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