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suspension squeaking


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Today noticed several people where looking when i passed and after i while i know maybe why ..
My front suspension was squeaking  :-/
So got home, pushed on the bonnet and there is was ... but it was only on the left/front of car ..
Opened up the bonnet and looked at the shock & spring and all seems to be in good order (it's all brand new also)

What can cause this squeaking ?

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bobyspit wrote:
silly question what type of squeaking is it?

It's a "squeaky squeak"  :P

Squirt some wd40 onto one bush at a time, then press down on the car until you find the culprit.

I would think it is just a dry bush, trunnion, or top ball joint. Ask your brother or mum to bounce the car while you listen to the area to locate the noise!

Rob, he's too busy enjoying driving to clean it!  ;D

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Could also be the shocker mounts want tightened up,
Get some one with some bulk aboot em to bump up/doon on bulk head, and watch the shocker tops,
they can move quite abit if loose.

BUTT, also look at the bonnet stay,bonnet cones, bulkheed rubber to bonnet.
all items of squeeek in the past for me.

And Bill could also be right aboot trapped mice, ;) ;)


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Well i've made a little video, i'm sure it's the suspension and not the bonnet cones or whatever, even with the bonnet open it's making that noise ..

I've tighten up the top nut of the shock (bush was a bit loose) and also had a try with some rubber spray.
And it's still there  :o

Made a little video of it ..

Going to look better tomorrow morning .. hopefully i can find something !

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Sounds like dry bolts on the inner steel tubes.

Slacken the nuts off, and try an pull / nock the bolts back alittle,
then put thick oil onto bolt, and turn it aroond, as its going in,
keeping putting oil on bolt shank as it goes,

this will get into the  inner steel bush,
doo it frae both ends, for good measure,
Unless ye want to tek em off all t,githa.

Ohhh, nice sqeeek, with a bit of practice, ye be able to get a tune going,. ;D ;D ;)
One thing I can say for certain though, it aint a Mouse sqeeeking. :)


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796 wrote:
Sounds like dry bolts on the inner steel tubes.

Slacken the nuts off, and try an pull / nock the bolts back alittle,
then put thick oil onto bolt, and turn it aroond, as its going in,
keeping putting oil on bolt shank as it goes,

this will get into the  inner steel bush,
doo it frae both ends, for good measure,
Unless ye want to tek em off all t,githa.

Ohhh, nice sqeeek, with a bit of practice, ye be able to get a tune going,. ;D ;D ;)
One thing I can say for certain though, it aint a Mouse sqeeeking. :)


Ok, will try that first then ! I know i used copper grease on every bolt ..

Well yeah , it is a bit loud and that's why people where looking a bit strange   ;D

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4526 wrote:
Also somebody pointed me out that i also could be the trunnion  :-/
Bought a new set of these when i was rebuilding it ( and i know the 'new' stuff isn't that great .. )

Can see it being  the VL / threaded trunnions,
BUTT, it may be the  bolts / steel tubes in the thru bolts, as mentioneed above.

Get the Ole Oil can oot M,Ladd

{AND, oil the lower trunnion bit on a REGULAR basis, moer so if uesd int rain
reason, water does get in, water sinks to bottom, slowly fill the trunnion up,
regular oiling with a grease gun, force the water oot, before it can separate,
result, fresh oil, and a health trunnion.}


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Mine did the same, mine was the rubber bushes that were rubbing on the chassis either side of the lower mounts. I took them apart and smeared the ends of the bushes with grease. But WD40 should do the trick. I must say I have not had that problem after poly bushing the Spitty.

Wim you car looks fab, you must bring it to the uk next year!


Sean, not all squeaks are squeaks lol

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RR, i re-tighten the nuts and bolts a few weeks back .. think i've maybe done it wrong  :-/
But going to look into this tomorrow !

Rob, Was that the rubbers around the anti-roll bar that you mean ?

Well maybe not coming next year to the uk, but will try to come over to Rolduc (@ 10cr) with the spitfire  ;)

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My plan for tomorrow is ..

Loosen up the anti-roll bar from the wishbone and test the suspension ..
If it still makes noise, then i'm going to get the shock off the car ..

Then i can move the suspension (wishbones & co ) and see if that makes noise ..
if not , it will be the shock i guess ..

Hopefully it's a quick fix !  :P

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bobyspit wrote:
Wim, no not the anti roll bar, the lower bushes on the suspension.

The next 10cr is 2015 so you will be waiting some time mate,


Ow yeah , it's every 2 years !  :B

Ok, will look into this tomorrow, hopefully it's a fast fix !  :P

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Well this morning i started ..

Got the anti-roll bar linkage loose .. still making noise ..

Then started to spray wd40.. 1 time it was going away , stayed a way for 2 sec and came back ..
Soo.. sprayed some more .. I think it was the trunnion or the bush of the shock, or it could be something else.
Wd40 will be working in on the other parts so it could be well something else that was making a bit of noise !

Also turned a few times on the top nut of the shock .. hopefully it's tight enough  ;)
Only thing that's needs doing is a small test drive (that's what i'm going to do in 5min :p )
Also cleaned up everything up under the bonnet  ;)

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Well .. no noises now  ;D

But just found out the exhaust is a bit blowing at the front  :-/
A few weeks back there was something on the road where a cable runs through it .. but that was 10cm high !
My friend was driving in front of me with the mg and i could see he just got over it ..
So i drive up it (no problem) and when i drive of it i can hear a bang, against 1 of the exhaust clamps of the downpipes  :-/

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