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1500 Suspension overhaul


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Whilst it's off the road I want to overhaul the front suspension setup, I currently have Gazride shocks all round, the rears are fine but the fronts are near frozen solid, sadly they are no longer adjustable and the front right has very little movement, the car is also sitting too high at the front. I'm also going to pull off the wishbones, clean them up and give them a fresh lick of paint, whilst i'm at it I may as well fit the 2.5 short turn steering rack and there is slight movement in one of the wheel bearings which I want to replace on both sides.

Do I need to get new suspension, if so what do I get or can I have the current suspension refurbed?
Whilst i'm replacing the steering rack and wheel bearings is there anything else I will need?
My steering rack has slight play in the 'rack and pinion' - i've been told this is due to a warn bush that can be replaced by a part from a TR4?

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your wheel bearings should have slight play in them, tom. if they haven't then you've done them up too tight! or you've used a garage that is only familiar with modern front wheel drive cars!
the spitfire rack is as good as you'll get, and the play is usually at the mounting rubbers, because they don't like being soaked in engine oil; check these first.

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Have to say that i have the standard black shocks on my car with polybush blue(comfort) kit. I was thinking that later id change them for something better however i dont think ill bother now as after using them i think they work perfectly with the lower/stiffer springs from moss. The shocks were £50 delivered for the full set. The front springs were £30 delivered and the polybush kit was £100. If i were you id just stick with the standards unless you want to race it and stiffen it up before the race and soften it for the drive home. Just a thought. Chris.

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2402 wrote:
Polybush comfort, Complete kit(the blue ones). The race ones(red) make the ride too hard for our roads with potholes. Chris.

They don't make the ride any harder - that's shocks and springs! They just increase the amount of noise and vibration transmitted from the road to the chassis. I strongly suspect that even the greatest driver in the world would probably not notice the difference between red and blue polybushes!

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You can notice the difference, had both types on my Xjr-s. The reds wear out quicker and dont absorb the little bumps very well but there not suppose to as they are for the track and give better feel(the kit includes steering rack bushes too remember). The next stage after reds is solid nylon bushes or rose joints. The blue ones cancel out alot of road noise. I have them on my mk2 spit at the mo and they are grate having been in cars with standard rubber bushes. Either way the blue ones are the best for the average user. Just my experience......


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Howard81 wrote:
Has anyone used those yellow bush kits on eBay? I'm planning a suspension overhaul on my car too..

I just bought this kit (front for now, rear to follow). Not finished chassis rebuild yet and a long way off project completion so cannot yet veryfiy ride effect but they seem ok and complete new fr. susp fasteners look great.

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Not unless you ask for them(£££)....... If your after springs i would recommend moss ones as they have a 13% discount on till Christmas...... I got mine for £30 delivered. They do a couple of different types but i ordered these TT4301(in feb). They ware recommended by the Spitfired site. Here is the link:


Quite a good tutorial and the springs are the perfect height.


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Tom2000 wrote:
My Spit is riding far too high at the front, where is the best place to get Koni or AVO shocks from? Will I get springs with them as well or not?

Unless it is blatantly obvious that front springs/shock have failed, then it may (also) be a problem with rear leaf spring. Take a look at the link below and all will become clear as to what I mean.

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2597 wrote:

Unless it is blatantly obvious that front springs/shock have failed, then it may (also) be a problem with rear leaf spring. Take a look at the link below and all will become clear as to what I mean.

I'm pretty sure the rear is fine, it's always been like this since i've had it and it's sailed through three MOTs.

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