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Stupid question about rotoflex couplings

TR7th Heaven

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My question is......How do I know when they need replacing?
Sounds daft, I know but how 'broken up' do the rubber segments need to be before disintegration is imminent? Mine don't look too bad but I've got nothing to compare them to. Mine have all their segments intact, not separated. Some of the rubber is peeling away from the metal bits but that's normal, I guess.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Rich  ;)

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You are looking for deep cracks in the rubber itself or, more likely, signs of coming unbonded from the metal dividers.  You need to turn through full rotations while examining as the coupling is under different forces at different points.  Some light flaking of thin rubber from around the outside of the metal dividers is normal, the main body of the rubber separating from the dividers is not.

Metallastic brand markings are a definite positive!  Well worth a really careful look as having one break up on the move is not a good experience....


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