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Rebuilding Rotoflex Leafspring?


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I'm currently rebuilding the rear suspension for my car, and I've started attacking the rear spring

I've undone the central nut and bolt which clamps the leaves together, and I've undone the two nuts and bolts on the underside of the spring

Since doing this, I've lost the nuts, bolts, and sleeves, and I've been told you can't buy them anymore  :B

I'm guessing the nuts are just regulat items.....but what about the bolts, and the sleeves?.....especially the central bolt, which I believe had a rounded rather than a hex head?

Also, I've heard about fitting some nylon rod between the leaves to allow them to slide over each other more smoothly
Can I buy these anywhere, or can anyone make some for me?

Also, should I be looking for anything which would indicate my spring is worn out?

Is there anything I can do? is this worth it?
Should I rebuild my spring, or should I buy a new one?

I really dont want to bin something if it can be restored

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You may want to consider having your original spring re-tempered by a spring specialist. They should also be able to supply the sleeves and bolts.
The spring buttons 114006 are available in nylon or something similar.
I gave mine a good greasing with graphited grease before re-assembly.

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