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Rotoflex Coupling Compression Tool


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Saw this on ebay and decided it would make a great improvised rotoflex coupling compression tool.

I need to replace one of the outer drive shafts on the GT6 and the half shaft in question has a nearly new genuine metalstic Rotoflex coupling fitted which I want to re-use. To do this I will need to compress the coupling in the way that the temporary metal band does that they come with when they are new. Withe the kit below I can make up a jubilee kit of just the right size to do this....

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A bigg jubilee clip will suffice, but ye gotta tap it into shape as its tightening.
its gotta go on before the coupling is took off too.

even then, it may take a wee bit of fiddlating to get all bolts back in.
the clamp part has to be on a flat  too, or it will no tighten right.
Ive done same my self, so just going by my own finds.
buts its certainly dooable.


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I got the one in the picture off of ebay, it's 3 metres of the metal strip and you cut to length, so will be well up to the job in terms of length. Thanks for the tips Marcus, especially making sure I put the clip on first before taking the bolts out, I could easily have been caught out on that one ;-)

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