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Gearbox/overdrive information/resources


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Is there a dummies guide to Triumph gearbox/OD applications anywhere that I can't find?
I'm considering that I should have bought a Spitty with an O/D - but now that the kids have adopted and named the one I've got (and become very attached in the space of 1 weekend) I might have to stick with the one I've got and add overdrive.

Now... I understand that there's an overdrive and a non-overdrive gearbox.
I also seem to have gathered that the O/D "should" be a Laycock/GKN J-Type (am I wrong?)

So I'm looking at figuring out which vehicles had the same box/od as the 1500 '97 Spitfire (if any).... surely there must be some sort of look-up table somewhere that tells me what model of gearbox was fitted to what year of what model of Triumph?!
Somebody please point me in the direction of the right information (if only to stop me asking even more dumb questions!)

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You want a;

1500 Spitfire, single-rai,l J'Type overdrive gearbox.

The same unit was fitted to 1500 Dolomites, however most of that source has dried up. Look on ebay or wait till Stoneleigh next year. Bear in mind you need ancillories as well as the gearbox, such as propshaft, gearstick (incl O/D switch), gearbox mount and X-cross-member.

Easy'ish conversion and well worth doing.

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heraldcoupe wrote:
Guessing your name gives a clue to where you're located, the full conversion kit which is for sale local to me is going to be a little far for you to travel.
But if you fancy a trip to Wiltshire, I can put you in touch,


Wiltshire? That's dooon sooooth isn't it? Somewhere below Sheffield? ;-)
No desperate rush for a conversion as I'm doing mostly country roads and round town at the moment - just thinking ahead to motorway miles in the future.

More dumb question(s):
Does it matter if the O/D is from a triumph or are all GKN/Laycock J types the same?

Cheers, Sam

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I believe the j types are all about the same, a few minor variations.
HOWEVER the 1500 od gearbox has a unique (I believe) od housing that bolts to the gear linkage.

Besides, you can't bolt s od on the back of a non-od box. It need the mainshaft swapping and adaptor plate.

You need (and this will repeat other posts above)

OD box with OD attached
OD gearstick/switch/wiring
OD propshaft
OD mounting plate and rubber mount
speedo angle drive and different speedo cable

Best is to get a complete and known good kit. Honest.

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I appreciate that you can't attach an OD to a non-OD gearbox - but there's an OD Box sans OD on eBay at the moment - so I was just trying to get a clear idea of what's required/involved.
ie. Does the OD have to be one specific to the Spitfire 1500 gearbox (which would make it as common as rocking horse poo from what I can tell) or "any" J-Type OD (it's not like there are millions of them for sale.... but might be a little easier!)
Thanks for the replies everyone - pretty much confirms/clarifies the stuff I was finding online!

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Well, considering Rimmers will sell you the gbox + OD for £800 (and they tend to be pricey), assuming your offer is for a swap of your unit for theirs, and includes actually doing the job it sounds reasonable to me?

I can't recall his details off the top of my head, but hunt out details for Mike Papworth, he does a lot of gearbox stuff and has a darn good rep, maybe worth seeing what he suggests?

Also, I can never remember, but are the diffs the same between O/D and non-O/D cars? And will this make a difference to Mr Spam??

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If you are having difficulty in sourcing an o/d gearbox for a 1500 at a reasonable price I may be persuaded to part with mine. Only things missing as far as I can see is the gearstick and I think the gearbox mounting chassis plate may also have been removed. If you are in no hurry and find all the others too expensive then keep me in mind. The guy I bought it off is a colleague's father and he bought it from a guy who sold it as an unfinished project, the overdrive was tested down a long driveway by the previous owner and was said to operate as expected with no unusual noises, I can not vouch for it myself as I have not used it.

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6797 wrote:
Been offered (reasonably locally) "Full kit with everything £395 " to do the O/D conversion - does that sound reasonable? Cheap? Over the odds?

Probably about right for a private sale, incredibly cheap if it's a trader and comes with a warranty!
As a benchmark, you'd be paying upwards of £1300 for a kit where everything was new or reconditioned,


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