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Another confusing gearbox issue

Velocita Rosso

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We set off for a 50 sprint to a show at Bradford yesterday and after leaving the motorway   the gear changing was at best difficult
After doing around 80 mph all the way there(late) we dropped onto the `A `Road and the gear changing was very difficult,just as though we had no clutch, crunching into gears, and by the time we had done another mile or so I could not get any gears. Had to stop and put it into 2nd and dawdled the last 1/2 mile
After the show ,decided to take a steady ride home due to those conditions, however from leaving the show I could then get gears again. Kept slowing and changing before the motorway and did not have a problem
On to the motorway, slow lane at 65/70 all the way home, onto `A `roads, no problem, up the home street, no problem
Confused...it now appears to have cleared...however dont want to set off again one day to find I get the same problem

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Quoted from Don Cook
Different car but this is similar to what happened on my GT6 at the start of the 10CR. Mine didn't recover on its own though. My problem was the lever pivot pin going for a walk.

New clevis pin and locating bushes and the slave pin locating fine....all reworked...however must check to see if the  slave pinch bolt has loosened
Mind you I do remember you inviting me to look at your wobbly bit in the Austrian motorway services

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May also be an iffy M/C.  Mine is messing about a bit at present and sometimes needs all the pedal travel to just barely clear and other times bits about half way.  Also seems worse once warm but I'm beginning to suspect that it's the M/C as it seems to improve if I let the the pedal flick back the last 1/4 of the stroke under the spring pressure.

M/C is barely a year old.


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Had something similar back in the 1990s with AFH.

I was organising a side activity for the first Top Gear Live at Silverstone with the Association of Classic and Historic Motor Sport Clubs of which I was chairman.  We had a weekend display (with camping for those who wanted), lapping of the Grand Prix Circuit, and a two day slalom autotest (similar I believe to the Autosolos of today) which the Association used to organise ...... all free!

The whole weekend was stinking hot and after nipping down to show control in AFH to sort out a problem after the first days competition, on the way back I stopped off for a chat with the AVO boys and in doing so left the engine running for half an hour (like a twit).  

On getting back into the car the clutch would not work so left it in the hope that next morning all would be well but of course it wasn't.  I had fitted a new master cylinder a few months before so discounted any problem there so changed the clutch slave cylinder seals that I had bought at the autojumble I had organised on the site.  No improvement so was recovered home after the event.

Rechecked the clutch slave and seemed OK so removed the gearbox to check the clutch, just in case, but nothing wrong there.
Eventually I checked the newly fitted master cylinder and found the seals had gone kaput - must have overheated under the closed bonnet while engine ticking over with air temp over 80 degrees.

Moral - never assume anything if something goes wrong.


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Not sure what car... but Harry suffered similar bad behaviour due to a broken clutch pedal return spring. The giveaway clue was that, when hot and stuck in traffic and the clutch didn't work at all, lifting the pedal (by putting your foot under it) would "cure" the issue for a while.

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Quoted from Don Cook
"Mind you I do remember you inviting me to look at your wobbly bit in the Austrian motorway services"

That's because someone told me you had the gift of 'healing hands', evidently not!

I have...I dropped a 5 cent piece in the dark car park...and couldnt find it with a torch. I prayed and prayed to be able to find it
Then i found a 50 cent piece in the coffee bar..

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