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Hi, more advice req. please.

Bought some Koni 80 1717 (mini fronts) shocks which I think are correct for the rear of my Gt6 Mk2 with the chassis brackets fitted.

After searching I believe I need to change the bushes, I have some superflex and they are too big so can anyone tell me which bushes fit?


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I used the standard Triumph 2 part bushes on my rear Koni's (part number 102987) , fitted with no issues and I find it easier to fit the rear shocks into place with just one side of the bush at the bottom, then add the other side afterwards if that makes sense. That's the reason I didn't go for polybushes as I didn't like the one piece design...

My Front Konis still have the original bushes fitted.

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Bought some Koni 80 1717 (mini fronts) shocks which I think are correct for the rear of my Gt6 Mk2 with the chassis brackets fitted.

I used polybush on my konis. Got them direct from the manufacturer if I remember correctly.
For the record, can you confirm the open and closed lengths of the shocks, in inches, measured from the bush centres. These are the first new 80-1717 I have seen in a long time!
Where did you find them?  8)

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Hi Nick & Anthony

I fitted the 80-1717s to my Mk2 GT6 back in 2011 as part of a Jones Bowler CV conversion.

We actually just drilled out the Koni bushes in situ as there is just about enough of the sleeve projecting to get a hand vice onto for drilling in a pedestal drill.

No doubt being rubber bushes they wont last forever and could be replaced with polybush at a leter stage if required.

Hop this helps

Ian F ;)

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Thanks for the replies, I'd not thought of just asking Koni, I'll give them a ring tomorrow.

The problem is the eye? for the bush is quite a bit smaller than the original shocks so no standard bushes will fit, well the one's I've tried don't.

Ian, I'm also doing Nick's CV conversion, it's only taken me about 6 months  :)  did you just remove the metal sleeve and leave the rubber in?

Oh and I got them from the same place as Anthony I think, Larkspeed but there was a few other places that keep them.

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Hi Nick

The rubber bush supplied by Koni is a standard Metalisk (sp) type with the sleeve bonded into the rubber, which is designed to allow movement of the bush by flexing of the rubber (just like all of the other suspension bushes on the car originally).

Being a Koni item I assume that these are reasonable quality.

We made the call that because the central bonded in sleeve in the bush was nice and thick, it was OK to drill it out to suit the damper attachment bolts.

I have attached a photo of the rear suspension units just before they were fitted. You see there is still plenty of meat in the bush sleeve.

PS Have you picked up previous threads regarding the slight fore/aft misalignment of the top damper mount if using standard chassis adaptors ?

Hope this helps.


Ian F ;)

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