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Overheating - or is it?

MTFC Derek

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So, the temp gauge on my 1300 spitfire engined Herald went into the red. Fitted  new thermostat. Fitted a new pump. Flushed system.

Still in the red.

Ran it without thermostat - all OK.

Tested thermostat - opening at 82 degrees.

Just ran it with thermostat back in - back in the red.

I'm flummoxed.

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What does the fuel gauge read? it is possible the voltage stabiliser has stuck on and the gauges are getting 12 V instead of 10 V. Incorrect readings from the temperature sender usually are wrong from first installation of the sender.

ISTR the Heralds didn't use a voltage stabiliser, at least early ones, so the gauges and possibly senders would be different to those in a Spitfire.

Best of luck,


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Does it go to teh red immediately, or slowly build up when running? Any indications (apart from the gauge) that it is overheating?

And was this a sudden change in behaviour? 

A new (correct for the car, not the engine) sensor would probably be my next step. I have had a sensor fail, and the gauge went straight to the red. During a late night 200 mile journey home, which initially caused a panic but once I realised everything else appeared OK, I just ignored it until I got home. Heater temperature gives a bit of an idea.


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