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Carb tuning tools


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Hi all,
I have a MK1 spitfire, and recently had the carbs restored by a really good guy. Since then, had a mobile tuner in to set them up properly. I'd like to buy carb tuning tools to tune the carbs/balance them myself and have found these tools. The carbs are Twin SUs. Which should I go for, and are there any which I should stay clear of? :

        Gunson - colour tune = £34
     Carbtune Pro (vacccum) = £57
     TecMate - CarbMate synchroniser = £80
     TecMate - Vaccumate synchroniser = £350

First timer on this site, so go easy!  :)
cheers - roba

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Actually you don't need any of these.....
There are 2 steps in tuning the carbs, first is to synchronise so they both will allow the same amount of air to the engine and then there is the setting of the mixture.

For the first step you can use one of the vacuum tools, but also a piece of plastic hose, with the engine running hold it to your ear and poke it in the mouth of the carb, they should both make the same hissing noise indicating same amount of air running past. you then fiddle with the throttle set screw until they sound the same.
A vacuum tool is more accurate of course.
For the mixture you need to lift the dash very slightly, revs should rise slightly and then drop off to about the same amount as before. If they rise considerably the mixture is too rich, if they drop and the engine stalls it was too weak.
A Gunson color tune is more practical as you can set the carbs without having to remove the air filters, which in turn change the setting...


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Hello Roba,

personally I've never managed to use the lift pin method to set mixture, too heavy handed? If you go for a Colour Tune, buy as many kits as carburettors, that way you can be sure that both (or more) are adjusted so they are not affecting the other.


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