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HS2 SU carb settings


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Hi Guys,

I have finally got my engine running however I have a few problems, can anyone give me guidance for setting the carbs and setting idle.

Also I have a small drip of fuel, it appear that fuel goes into the venturi and then seems to run back down the jet, I have the sealing washer in place, is this fairly common? or have I got something set wrong, the jet is not blocked.


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Remove the air filters
Screw the jets up to the base of the carbs and make sure they are level withe base
Then screw each jet down by two full turns eg 12 flats of the jet nuts
That should give you the basic running set up
Then (this sounds stupid but its a common) stick a piece of air tubing into an ear and adjust the idle screw on each pot ,one at a time, and listen for the `hiss` of the air intake in each carb body intake
When you have the equal sound of the intake, that should again give you the basic set up
However you can buy a gauge for sticking in each carb ,that will give you an intake reading
Replace filters  
Then check for any leaks. this set up should correct matters
If not   then its down to various other checks
Set up as above and then reinvestigate and come back

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Hello Yorkshire Spam,

"stick a piece of air tubing into an ear and adjust the idle screw on each pot ,one at a time, and listen for the `hiss` of the air intake in each carb body intake"

Just to add to this, slacken one of the throttle connection rod clamp screws first before doing this, that makes each carburettor throttle independent. Don't forget to retighten afte5wards.

However some HS series carburettors halve a connecting linkage which consists of a lever with a small rod, which slots into a grooved arm on the carburettor throttle spindle. As the central connecting rod rotates with the throttle cable they pick up the carburettor throttles. These need to be adjusted with clearance both top and bottom of the groove but equal as the throttle is opened, i.e as you lift the accelerator cable to just start opening the throttle, both carburettors should open simultaneously.
As you see quite difficult to explain but very easy to understand and adjust as you see it happen.



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