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Bonnet Adjustment & Fitting A Cig Lighter


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More questions, would you expect anything different from me.

Im hoping to fit a cig lighter to my 76 Spitfire 1500, obviously I understand the wiring and how to do it. Im just wondering where to tap the 12v from, how have other done it?  Im just changing the radio also to a CD player and notic the wiring for this is a bit ropey so Im not sure where the installer got its power for but would this be okay to use. Bit of an open question I know.

Also on the drivers side my bonnet is closed with the catch and the bonnet has no movement its down tight as you would expect, on the passengers side it has a little bit of movement, this annoys me whilst driving as at low speed all you hear and see is rattling.  Can the catch be adjusted in any way to fix this?

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2577 wrote:

Im hoping to fit a cig lighter to my 76 Spitfire 1500, obviously I understand the wiring and how to do it. Im just wondering where to tap the 12v from, how have other done it?  Im just changing the radio also to a CD player and notic the wiring for this is a bit ropey so Im not sure where the installer got its power for but would this be okay to use. Bit of an open question I know.

You can get an 'always on' 12v source for the gigarette lighter by fitting a piggyback spade terminal between the purple wire and the hazard flasher unit. You can then run a purple cable to the lighter and then all you need to do is ground it with some black cable. Job done! It is fused already but you could also put a 10A fuse in to protect the lighter socket.

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2577 wrote:
Thanks for the speedy replies on both accounts, will it be okay for the CD player to take all its power straight from the ignition?

There is a pink wire that emerges from the wiring loom near the heater fan that is intended to be for a radio.  It is switched live on the first click on the ignition switch.  You can use this for your CD player.  If you need a "memory" feed as well, tap in to any purple wire behind the dash - this is permanently live.


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If your CD player has a feed line that is intended to be switched and another that is supposed to remain on; then you really should make sure to switch the one that is intended to be swiitched because it may draw a fair amount of current when it is on even if the player is off. I made that mistake years ago and it took a while to find out what was draining the battery.

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